- You have been awarded your damages by the arbitration court. 仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费。
- You were awarded your damages by the arbitration court. 仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费。
- You have be awarded your damages by the arbitration court. 仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费。
- You have been awarded your damages by the arbitration court . 仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费
- The arbitration court have announce the award to dismiss the action. 仲裁庭已宣布驳回起诉。
- The arbitration court has announced the award to dismiss the action. 仲裁法庭已宣布驳回起诉。
- Do not you think it's better to submit the case for arbitration to a temporary arbitration court? 您不认为将此案提交一临时仲裁庭审理更好些吗?
- It's better to submit the case for arbitration to a temporary arbitration court. 将本案提交到一个临时仲裁法庭进行仲裁会比较好。
- The second gaffe was to choose to resolve disputes not in China but in an arbitration court in Stockholm. 第二个过失是,选择在斯德哥尔摩的一家仲裁庭,而不是在中国解决纠纷。
- "I hope we are granted a discount by the CONI Arbitration Court as we can't hope to win all our matches. 理性地说,我们不能奢望赢下所有的比赛。因此,我希望奥委会调解法庭能够将我们的罚分减少。”
- They later dropped that option, saying they would instead bring the case to the CONI arbitration court. 随后他们放弃了原先的想法,表示俱乐部将转而像奥委会调解委员会上诉。
- Juve are scheduled to discuss their appeal in front of the CONI Arbitration Court on October 11 and hope that the 17-point deficit will be decreased or even cancelled. 地区仲裁法庭计划在10月11日对尤文的上诉进行讨论和裁断,尤文图斯俱乐部希望17分得罚分能被减少或者全部取消。
- Chevron has filed a claim in an international arbitration court in The Hague and has asked the American government to review Ecuador’s trade preferences. 雪佛龙已向海牙国际仲裁法庭提起上诉,并要求美国政府重新审定厄瓜多尔的贸易最惠权。
- We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrators from a third country. 我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。
- Juventus, Milan and Lazio all presented their cases to the CONI Arbitration Court on Wednesday in an attempt to get their Calciopoli penalties reduced, with Fiorentina scheduled to appear on Thursday. 周三,尤文图斯、米兰、拉奇奥都已经把他们的申诉材料提交到了意大利奥委会仲裁法庭,他们希望他们能够降低因丑闻事件而受到的惩罚,佛罗伦萨将在周四采取行动。
- The Turin club's spirits rose after beating Vicenza and Crotone, leaving them on minus-10 points now - and the CONI Arbitration Court could decrease it further after the October 11 hearing. 这位俱乐部的灵魂球员在球队先后击败维琴察和克罗托内后显得信心十足,现在俱乐部的积分已经变成了-10分。仲裁法庭还可能在10月11日作出决定,减少球队的罚分。
- We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrators from a third country . 我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。
- We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrator from a third country. 我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後。