- This unfortunate chapter of history inflicted untold sufferings on the Chinese nation and also brought misery to the Japanese people. 这段不幸历史,给中华民族造成深重灾难,也使日本人民深受其害。
- If war broke out, they could inflict untold losses on mankind. 一旦发生战争,核武器就会给人类带来巨大的损失。
- Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. 按照尊重事实这一论点行事,记者把某些个人的私生活细节公布于众,这可能为他们造成说不尽的痛苦。
- Their lives were filled with untold suffering. 他们生活在水深火热之中。
- Now there are nuclear weapons; if war broke out,they could inflict untold losses on mankind. 现在有核武器,一旦发生战争,核武器就会给人类带来巨大的损失。
- The untold suffering in the days of old China left an indelible imprint on my tender mind. 旧中国的苦难在我幼小的心灵留下了不可磨灭的印象。
- They experienced untold sufferings during the war. 在战争期间他们经历了说不尽的苦难。
- The herpesviruses bring untold suffering, but may not be all bad. 疱疹病毒带来的痛苦自不必说,但是也不是一无是处。
- The colonialists brought untold sufferings to African peoples. 殖民主义者给非洲各国人民带来了说不完的苦难。
- Behold the suffering on all sides of you! 看看你们四周的人多么受罪!
- Now there are nuclear weapons; if war broke out, they could inflict untold losses on mankind. 现在有核武器,一旦发生战争,核武器就会给人类带来巨大的损失。
- To let one happy is better than suffering on two persons. 两个人痛苦,不如成全一个人的快乐。
- That brought a suffering on the Palestinian people . 那给巴方人民带来了磨难。
- Japan had inflicted untold damage upon China. 日本对中国的损害无法估量,
- It has become obvious that corruption and bribery are not only immoral, but inflict suffering on the public and the economy. 很明显,腐败和贿赂不仅是不道德的,而且会给公众和经济带来灾难。
- Reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. 记者把某些个人的私生活细节公布于众,这可能为他们造成说不尽的痛苦。
- Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals. 译文:记者按事实至上的论点行事,有时会给当事人带来极大的痛苦。
- Otherwise,the shops will bring misfortune and suffering on their customers. 否则,他们将会对顾客造成伤害。
- Vicissitudes of war and untold suffering behind the Chinese people finally stood up again! 饱经战争沧桑与落后苦难的中国人民终于重新站起来了!
- Otherwise, the shops will bring misfortune and suffering on their customers. 否则,他们将会对顾客造成伤害。