- When the piston reaches the bottom of the intake stroke, the intake valve closes, trapping the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder. 当活塞到达进气行程的下止点时,随着空气燃油的混合气进入气缸,进气门关闭。
- MI IVC Intake Valve Closing 进气门关闭
- When the pump is going to stop, first press the stop button (Red), then close the water intake valves and the discharge valve. 停泵时先按下电控箱上泵的停止按钮(红色),泵停止运转后,关闭管路上的进水阀和排出阀。
- The lobe on the cam controlling the intake valve has moved out from under the valve lifter. 控制进气阀的凸轮上的凸角在阀挺柱向下回转。
- When abandon the ship, close intake valves or cocks on fuel oil pipings and all openings of air pipes for all bunker / liquid cargo tanks. 当弃船时,应关闭燃油管路上的加油阀或考克和所有燃油舱或液货舱空气管上的所有开口。
- Abstract Intake valve deposit (IVD) simulation test was taken to study the factors and rules of detergency of gasoline with detergent added during long-term storage. 摘要 采用模拟进气阀沉积物试验方法,详细考察了加清净剂汽油长期储存清净性的影响因素和变化规律。
- Valve CLOSE when turn hand wheel clockwise and OPEN when turn hand wheel counterclockwise as usually custom. 本装置手轮顺时针旋转阀门关闭,逆时针旋转阀门开,与一般习惯相同。
- Four-stroke engines of this type with this same type of intake valve motion but with a supercharger to make up for the loss of power density are known as Miller cycle engines. 四冲程发动机本与此同进气阀运动类型的类型,但以使增压器的功率损耗密度,这些都是为米勒循环发动机众所周知的。
- The water intake valve is one of the auxiliary devices for hydraulic turbine generator setltis used to cut off water supply when the setstops working to be repaired、so as to protect the set. 进水阀门是水轮发电机配套设备,用于机组开、关或维修时切断水源,并保护机组,根据电站的水头和机组容量,可配套供应。
- A variable valve timing(VVT) mechanism with switching cam is developed on a motorcycle engine with single overhead camshaft.The VVT mechanism has two sets of switchable intake valve timing parameter. 摘要在摩托车发动机单顶置凸轮轴配气正时机构的结构形式基础上,研制一种可切换凸轮型线的VVT机构,具有2套可切换的进气配气正时参数。
- Check and adjust (as needed) valve clearance to the same specifications on Nos. 2, 4 and 6 exhaust and Nos. 3, 5, and 6 intake valves. 检查并视需要将气门间隙调节到与2、4、6号排气阀以及3、5、6号进气阀相同的规格。
- Astral state center is raised outside annulus, annulus inside bottom has 5 to lie between, mid have 5 dot, coping has five-pointed star of a miniature again, colour and lustre and outside valve close. 星状中心凸起一个外轮,轮内下部有5个隔,中部有5个圆点,顶部又有一个微型五角星,色泽与外瓣相近。
- Recently Atkinson cycle has been used to describe a modified Otto cycle engine in which the intake valve is held open longer than normal to allow a reverse flow of intake air into the intake manifold. 最近阿特金森循环被用来形容一个修改奥托循环发动机在进气门举行开放时间比正常的容许摄入量空气进入进气歧管反向流动。
- Also, the valves close with a great deal of impact, which may crack or break the valves and scuff the camshaft and followers. 此外,气门关闭撞击力大,可能撞裂或撞碎气门,并擦伤偏心轮轴和随动机构。
- A dedicated carburetor throat and tiny intake valves fed small precombustion chambers a rich air/fuel mixture that was easy to ignite. 一个专门的化油器喉咙和微小的摄入量小阀美联储预燃室丰富的空气/燃料混合物很容易点燃。
- In engines with multi-point injection, the injectors inject juel into individual intake tubes, directly in front of the engine intake valves. 在多点喷射的发动机内,喷油器直接在发动机进气门前把燃油喷入进气歧管。
- Air valve closed timely, rapid, not leak closed to improve the efficiency of machines and extended use period. 气阀关闭及时、迅速,关闭时不漏气,以提高机器的效率,延长使用期。
- Storing a mattress rolled up with the valve closed affects the rate of inflation, and long-term storage in a stuff sack can cause mildew. 阀门关闭并卷起气垫储存影响再充气的速度,长时间的在收藏袋里储存会导致发霉。
- During diving the butterfly valve closes to prevent the cockpit from getting flooded. 在潜水的时候,一个蝴蝶阀会关闭,从而防止驾驶舱进水。
- When the piston nears the top of this stroke, the inlet valve is opened and the exhaust valve closed. 随着曲轴转动,复又向上带动活塞,同时废气经由气缸头盖上的排气阀排出。