- Forest fallow is an intermediate class between forest and non-forest land uses. 休耕林是林地和非林地的中间阶段。
- The second batch of Primary and Intermediate class was held in Selangor. 雪隆区第二届初、中级班,林子珍老师在上课时的盛况。
- An intermediate class is more difficult than a beginner's class but easier than an advanced one. 中级班比初级班难些,比高级班容易些。
- Consequently,in the Red area the big and middle landlord class and the intermediate class are both being attacked. 故在红色区域,豪绅阶级和中间阶级,同被打击。
- When the revolution is at a low ebb in the country as a whole,the most difficult problem in our areas is to keep a firm hold on the intermediate class. 全国革命低潮时,割据地区最困难的问题,就在拿不住中间阶级。
- Such is the policy,but in its actual execution we have met with a great deal of obstruction from the intermediate class. 政策是如此,实际执行时却大受中间阶级的阻碍。
- Poor peasants are more able to bear such hardships,but the intermediate class will go over to the big landlord class when it can bear them no longer. 贫农阶级比较尚能忍受此苦痛,中等阶级到忍不住时,就投降豪绅阶级。
- Such is the policy, but in its actual execution we have met with a great deal of obstruction from the intermediate class. 政策是如此,实际执行时却大受中间阶级的阻碍。
- Poor peasants are more able to bear such hardships, but the intermediate class will go over to the big landlord class when it can bear them no longer. 贫农阶级比较尚能忍受此苦痛,中等阶级到忍不住时,就投降豪绅阶级。
- In view of the importance of winning over the intermediate class in the countryside,Comrade Mao Tse-tung soon corrected the erroneous policy of dealing too sharply with it. 鉴于争取农村中间阶级的重要,毛泽东随即纠正了打击中间阶级过重的错误政策。
- For not only is such economic strain intolerable to the intermediate class,but some day it will prove too much even for the workers,poor peasants and Red Army men. 因为这种经济压迫,不但中等阶级忍不住,工人、贫农和红军亦恐将有耐不住之时。
- For not only is such economic strain intolerable to the intermediate class, but some day it will prove too much even for the workers, poor peasants and Red Army men. 因为这种经济压迫,不但中等阶级忍不住,工人、贫农和红军亦恐将有耐不住之时。
- The defection of the intermediate class under the White terror.Having been under attack during the revolutionary upsurge, the intermediate class deserted to the enemy as soon as the White terror struck. 白色恐怖下中间阶级的反水:中间阶级在革命高涨时受到打击,白色恐怖一来,马上反水。
- But when there is a revolutionary upsurge in the country as a whole, the poor peasant dass has something to rely on and becomes bolder, while the intermediate class has something to fear and dare not get out of hand. 然若全国在革命高涨中,贫农阶级有所恃而增加勇气,中间阶级亦有所惧而不敢乱为。
- The defection of the intermediate class under the White terror.Having been under attack during the revolutionary upsurge,the intermediate class deserted to the enemy as soon as the White terror struck. 白色恐怖下中间阶级的反水:中间阶级在革命高涨时受到打击,白色恐怖一来,马上反水。
- In this period the poor peasants,having long been trampled down and feeling that the victory of the revolution was uncertain,frequently yielded to the intermediate class and dared not take vigorous action. 此时期内,贫农因长期地被摧残及感觉革命胜利无保障,往往接受中间阶级的意见,不敢积极行动。
- But when there is a revolutionary upsurge in the country as a whole,the poor peasant dass has something to rely on and becomes bolder,while the intermediate class has something to fear and dare not get out of hand. 然若全国在革命高涨中,贫农阶级有所恃而增加勇气,中间阶级亦有所惧而不敢乱为。
- Now that there is a nation-wide tide of counter-revolution,the intermediate class in the White areas,having suffered heavy blows,has attached itself almost wholly to the big landlord class,and the poor peasant dass has become isolated. 现在全国是反革命高涨时期,被打击的中间阶级在白色区域内几乎完全附属于豪绅阶级去了,贫农阶级成了孤军。
- The most serious instances of delay in land distribution and concealment of landholdings occurred in the southern section of Yunghsin County, where the intermediate class was the largest. 如永新南乡,是中间阶级最多的地方,延宕分田及隐瞒土地也最厉害。
- Will also introduce 3 dancing music styles (Tango, Milonga, Vals).The intermediate classes will allow you familiar with the use of close embrace &changes of different embraces. 同时还将介绍探戈的三种音乐风格的舞蹈方式(探戈、米龙噶、华尔兹),中级班将让大家熟悉紧密拥抱的运用,进一步自由变化拥抱的姿势。