- It is an unlawful act to grease an official's palm for your promotion. ( 为了你的升级向官员行贿,是违法的。
- Other unlawful acts which cause damage to property. 造成财产损害的其他违法行为。
- The Master or SSO are responsible for submitting security incident reports to the CSO within 24 hours of the discovery of any unlawful act. 在24小时之内,船长或船舶保安员(SSO)负责向公司保安员(CSO)提交发现的任何非法行为保安事件报告。
- Cyber Crime is defined as an unlawful act where the computer is either a tool or a target, or both. 网路犯罪是非法行为,电脑变成一种工具、目标或身兼两者。
- To intervene in court proceedings, shield your unlawful act, absolve you from sentences beyond the laws and regulations of the receiving state. 不能干预法庭的审判程序,不能袒护你的违法行为,不能超越接受国法律和规定为你开脱罪责。
- If a railway locomotive is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the first paragraph, the competent railway department shall impose administrative penalty on the person who is responsible for the act. 铁路机车有第一款违法行为的,由铁路主管部门对有关责任人员给予行政处分。
- The new lawyer was disbarred from practice after he had been found guilty of unlawful acts. 这个新律师被发现有犯法罪行后被取消执业资格。
- If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph,a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act. 机动船舶有前款违法行为的,由港务监督机构根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。
- If a railway locomotive is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the first paragraph,the competent railway department shall impose administrative penalty on the person who is responsible for the act. 铁路机车有第一款违法行为的,由铁路主管部门对有关责任人员给予行政处分。
- The lawyer was disbarred from practice when he was round guilty of unlawful acts. 这个年青律师被发现有犯罪行为时,被取消执业资格。
- After deciding to penalize an unlawful act of securities transaction based on its investigations, the securities regulatory body under the State Council shall publicize the decision. 国务院证券监督管理机构依据调查结果,对证券违法行为作出的处罚决定,应当公开。
- If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act. 机动船舶有前款违法行为的,由港务监督机构根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。
- To order the units and individuals in violation of these Regulations to stop their unlawful acts. 责令违反本条例规定的单位和个人停止违法行为。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- If those whose unlawful acts amount to crimes have been fined by an administrative organ and are again ordered by a people's court to pay a fine, the amount of fine shall be reduced accordingly. 违法行为构成犯罪,人民法院判处罚金时,行政机关已经给予当事人罚款的,应当折抵相应罚金。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司。
- It is a report on the international situation. 这是一篇有关国际形势的报告。