- You are the best girl I'v meet here. 你是我在网上遇到的最好的女孩。
- Ll give you an intravenous injection. 我要给您静脉注射。
- Cefotetan sodium is safe for intravenous injection. 注射用头孢替坦钠可供静脉注射试用给药。
- An intravenous injection of a narcotic. 麻醉注射静脉内的麻醉剂注射
- O! I s t h t. T i v u a w h f p f t r s e d. 服务员:哦!很抱歉听您这么说。这种事很少发生。我们每天从固定的供应商进货。
- Conclusion: MGI is a secure preparation for intravenous injection. 结论:苦参碱葡萄糖注射液是一种安全的注射用制剂。
- It seems like from birth, so far,I'v been a thinker. 好像与生俱来一般,我一直是个思想者。
- P e r s p e c t i v e. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley (1978). 早期的决策支持经典著作。决策支持系统的分析、设计、实现、评价和开发。
- C a m b r i d g e U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1 9 9 5 ) . 美国新闻学家李普曼第一次提出“刻板印象”这一术语。“对于大部分事物我们并不是先观察
- Intravenous injection pitocin need not beyond 5 U in caesarean section. 择期剖宫产病人静注催产素不必超过5U。
- Many infections will respond to 750mgt d s by i.m. or by i v. 许多感染可用肌肉注射或静脉注射750毫升,每日三次即可见效。
- The pharmacokinetics of the liposome after intravenous injection was studied. 同时考察包合物脂质体的体内药物动力学性质。
- M i d e d l The element known as Fulcrum (p i v o t). m i d d l e中的元素被称为支点( p i v o t )。
- The classic pass is a very old move, I’v seen unfrequent use lately. 经典pass 是一种古老的转移手法,现在不常见了。
- EO group and EL group received intravenous injection of oleic acid or lipopolysaccharide respectively. EO组和EL组分别注射油酸0.;175ml/kg和脂多糖2
- Previously, i was given cephalothin intravenous injection and cephaloridine medication by the chinese doctor. 之前中国医生给我进行先锋霉素的静脉注射。然后给我开了头饱霉素吃。
- I’v been appointed chairman of the decorations for a matinee dance in May. 我已经被指定为5月份举行的日间舞会的装饰品筹备主任。
- Intravenous injection of [11C]-BTA-1 in control mice resulted in high brain uptake. 正常小鼠的脑摄取[11]-BTA-1较高;2min全脑摄取为3.;81+0
- For emergency, the first big dosage of both intravenous and intravenous injection can be used simultaneously. 凡遇急救性情况,第一次可大剂量静脉注射和静脉滴注同时应用。
- Cerebral microcirculatory disorder was made by intravenous injection of high molecular weight dextran (HMWD). 结果两药均可增加正常状态下和微循环障碍时小鼠脑微区血流量。