- The meter of the cost of change curve starts running when you make a decision. 一旦做出了一个决策,变动成本曲线的计费就开始启动。
- There are two criteria,the change of relative dynamic elastic modulus(RDM) and the mass change,for evaluating the frost resistance of concrete. 采用快速冻融法,以质量变化和相对动弹性模量作为混凝土抗冻性能的评定指标,研究了聚丙烯腈纤维在三个体积掺量0。
- So, we think air pressure change is one of the main factors of aberration of observational daily change curve of tensometer. 因此认为气压变化是伸缩仪观测日变曲线畸变的主要因素之一。
- But instead of rejoicing over the mass change of heart that took place, Jonah sat outside the city hoping that perhaps God would still send judgment upon them. 约拿不但没有为尼尼微人悔过高兴,反而跑到城外依然希望神灭了他们。
- Through the theory calculation,the change curve of the smoke temperature and the velocity to the hight of the atrium without the sprinkle were got. 通过理论计算,得出无喷淋中庭火源上的火焰气流各分区的烟气温度和速度随中庭高度变化曲线。
- The change curve of sNTX and sALP along with the age was best-fit goodness by regression analysis of the cubic regression model(R2=0.142 and 0.343,respectively,P=0.000). 两者随年龄的变化以三次回归模型拟合最优(R2分别为0.;142和0
- According to the principle of SS-Y tensometer, We analyze the influence and relation of air pressure change toward observational daily change curve of tensometer. 摘要根据SS-Y伸缩仪的原理,从理论和实际观测分析了气压变化对伸缩应变观测日变曲线的影响及两者间的相关性。
- Ward Cunningham : Traditionally, the cost of change curve said that if we detect the need for a change early, it costs less to make the change than if we detect the need late. 传统上,随时间指数化增长的改动成本曲线意味着对改动的需求发现越早,则改动的成本越低。
- The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annihilation, of mass changing into energy and energy changing into mass. 次原子的世界就是持续生灭的过程,质量变成能量,能量又变成质量
- Objective To study the change curve of ADH in central diabetes insipidus after neurosurgical operation,and analyse the clinical significance of differentiating the types of central diabetes insipidus through the change curve. 目的:探讨神经外科术后并发中枢性尿崩症时血清抗利尿激素(ADH)变化曲线对判断不同类型中枢性尿崩症的临床意义。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- In October, Klose wrote on his blog that "a major question is whether this earthquake might have been triggered by these mass changes" in water accumulation near the epicenter. (去年)十月,克劳斯在他的博客上撰文指出:“现在的主要问题是,那次地震会不会是震中附近由于水的大量蓄积引起的重大变化而触发的。
- We look at any one stock changes curve, and real estate price changes curve, not a straight line, sawtooth-shaped. 我们看任何一条股票变化的曲线、房地产价格变化的曲线,都不是一条直线,是锯齿形的。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- The temperature change curves of continuou casting billet are obtianed and the temperature drop has been verified by test in the air and the heat conservation vehicle for CC HCR. 结合长治钢铁公司热送热装实践,对连铸小方坯在空气中与在保温车中的温度变化进行了实测,得出了各种传送方式的温度变化曲线,并对温降模型计算结果进行了验证。
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- She says she doesn't like children in the mass. 她说从总体上讲她不喜欢孩子。
- Hong Chang Curve Wood Furniture Company 沈阳宏昌弯曲木有限公司