- Of the two years of talks, more than a year was spent on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty, but she made no concessions. 两年谈判,差不多一年多的时间是拖在归属和主权问题上,她没有让。
- Of the two years of talks,more than a year was spent on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty,but she made no concessions. 两年谈判,差不多一年多的时间是拖在归属和主权问题上,她没有让。
- Without prejudice to the foregoing, TOD may, at its election refer the issue of jurisdiction only or the entire matter to arbitration in terms hereof. 在不违背前述规定的情形下,TOD有权可按其选择仅把该项司法管辖事件或将整个事件都提交仲裁处理。
- In the Chinese law circle, most of the discussions concentrate on the issue of jurisdiction upon the disputes out of e-commerce, few of which touch upon the application of law to e-contracts. 我国法学界研究电子商务的绝大部分学者主要集中在对电子商务纠纷的司法管辖权问题的探讨上,而涉及有关电子合同法律适用问题的很少。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- This is an issue of the utmost importance. 这是一个极为重要的问题。
- This is not an issue of the utmost importance. 这不是一个很重要的问题。
- Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。
- The area of jurisdiction of a bishop; a diocese. 主教的辖区;主教管区
- The area of jurisdiction of a bishop;a diocese. 主教的辖区;主教管区
- The issue of how to provide adequate child care. 如何提供适当的儿童护理的难题
- The story continues/is continued in the next issue of the magazine. 这个故事在该杂志的下一期里继续刊载。
- What you said is foreign to the main issue of our discussion. 你讲的与我们讨论的中心无关。
- Issues of jurisdictional immunity of State and its property are very old but important both in theory and practice. 摘要国家及其财产的管辖豁免是一个重大的理论和实践问题。
- They prefer to skate around the issue of sex discrimination. 他们不愿多触及性别歧视的问题。
- I believe that this is the key issue of the Forum. 我相信,这个问题正是这次研讨会的要旨所在。
- Pronouncing on the issues of the day. 对今天的问题发表意见
- Is the latest issue of the magazine out? 最新的一期杂志出版了吗?
- The issue of human rights is widely agitated. 人权问题引起广泛而激烈的辩论。
- People are divided on the issue of euthanasia. 人们在安乐死这一问题有两种截然不同的观点。