- Density Functional Theory, Cytosine, Tautomerism. 密度泛函理论;胞嘧啶;
- Keywords IR spectroscopy;keto enol tautomerism;reaction mechanism; 红外光谱;互变异构;反应历程;
- This complex reaction is characterized by a keto-enol tautomerism eqilibrium and ester exchange reaction. 此螯合反应是由酮一烯醇互变异构平衡过程和酯交换反应组成。
- Metal salts and Carboxy, keto, aldehyde, acetoacetoxy, complexes phosphonic acid, imine, amino and thio. 金属盐类和羧基,酮,醛,乙酰乙酸,配合膦酸,亚胺,氨基酸和硫代。
- Cyclic carbonate, Amine aldehyde, keto, activated olefinic bond, N-alkoyl, acid, anydride, acid chloride, acetoacetoxy. 环碳酸酯,胺醛,酮,活性烯键的N alkoyl,酸,anydride,酰氯,乙酰乙酸。
- Keto-enol tautomerism is the most common tautomery phenomenon.Keto -enol themselves are the real chemical substance. 酮及烯醇互变是互变作用最普通的现象,它们都是真实的化学实体。
- "The keto form predominates in many aldehydes and ketones, the enol form in ph enol s. 在许多醛和酮中酮基都是最主要的组分。
- "Constitutional isomers that can be readily converted from one to another are called tautomers (see tautomerism). 彼此间很容易相互转换的组成异构体称为互变异构体现象。
- Studies of the UV-VIS spectra of them in several acid solutions indicate the quinone-ammoni-um tautomerism. 在一定的酸性介质中,这类冠醚存在着铵琨互变异构,测定了它们在不同介质中的紫外-可见光谱,并对最大吸收峰进行归属。
- The paper introduces implication of grignard reagent and application in organic synthesis ,such as,synthesis of alcohol,aldehyde,keto,acid and alkane,etc. 本文介绍了格利雅试剂的含意,格利雅试剂在合成中的主要应用(如:合成醇、醛、酮、酸、烃等)。
- Immunoradioassay was used for the examination of brain cAMP, cGMP, TXB 2 and 6 keto PGF1a(metabolites of TXA 2 and PGI 2) contents. 各组到预定时间后 ,取脑组织匀浆 ,用放免进行环磷酸腺苷 (cAMP)、环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)与TXB2 及 6 酮 (TXA2 、PGI2 稳定代谢产物 )含量测定 ,并对脑组织匀浆进行蛋白定量。
- Semiempirical MNDO ealculations were performed in order to study theformhydroxamic acid-formhydroximic acid tautomerism. 应用半经验MNDO方法研究了甲异羟肟酸与甲羟肟酸的互变异构平衡。
- The efectofaddition ofsom e m etalions and keto acids on L-m alic acid ferm entation by im m obilized Aspergillus flavus wasstudied. 研究了某些金属离子和酮酸对固定化黄曲霉发酵L-苹果酸的影响。
- The crosslinking reaction between keto group and hydrazine group was proved by FTIR and TEM (transimission electron microscope) technology. 用傅里叶红外光谱和透射电镜证实了酮羰基与肼基之间发生了交联反应。
- Abstract The crosslinking reaction between the keto group and the hydrazine group was used to prepare the crosslinkable polyurethane/acrylic emulsion. 摘要 文中利用肼基与酮羰基之间的脱水缩和反应制备了丙烯酸树脂交联改性水性聚氨酯乳液。
- When the tautomer DTP(1,3,7) reacts with the electrophilic carcinogen BPDE,the atomic S10 of DTP(1,3,7) superiorly attacks the BPDE. 二硫酮DTP(1;3;7)在水相中与致癌物BPDE进行亲核取代反应时;二硫酮DTP(1;3;7)中的S10原子优先进攻亲电试剂BPDE.
- Instead, ESIPT takes place, forming a proton transfer tautomer, in which the central nitrogen atom acts as the secondary alkyl amine. 非光缓解途经可分为物理性质的由光能转为热能散失在系统中,或是化学性质的由光能转为化学能进行化学反应;
- While the pressure of PEEP increased from 0 to 30 cmH 2O, TXB 2 increased by 41 0%, 6 Keto PGF 12 increased by 21 1% and the ratio of TXA 2/PGI 2 decreased. PEEP压力从0增至30cmH2O,TXB2增加41.;0%25,6-keto-PGF12增加21
- Tautomerism: Existence of two or more chemical compounds that have the same chemical composition But different structures (isomers) and that convert easily from one to another. 互变异构体现象:两种或多种化合物(同分异构体),具有相同的化学组成,但结构不同,很容易从一种转换到另一种。
- Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema would go on to forge the Krath, a secret society of social elites in the Empress Teta system, who dabbled with the dark side and Sith magic. 萨朵.凯多和表亲阿力玛藉由黑暗面和西斯巫术,在黛塔女皇星系成立了秘密的卡瑞斯教派阶级。