- There can be multiple keys open at the same time. 可以同时打开多个密钥。
- He cut his hand on the edge of the open can. 他的手被罐头开口处割破了。
- This function key opens Help in almost any program. 此功能键将打开几乎所有程序中的帮助。
- This can opener can open any can that any can opener can open. 这个开罐器可以开任何开罐器可以打开的罐头。
- This kitchen gadget can open cans in just a few seconds. 这个厨房的配备可以几秒钟就打开罐头。
- Only at the moment when the shell cracks open can it burst out and soar up into the sky. 只有等到它破壳而出时,才能一飞冲天。
- A gold key open every door. 金钥匙,路路通。
- Just as we learn from traveling or studying history books, keeping our ears open can provide an acoustic portrait of ancient civilizations. 如同我们透过旅行或阅读史书来了解古代文明,竖起耳朵同样地也能给我们古代文明听觉上的写真。
- This is a very handy tool for opening cans. 这是一种很简便的开罐头工具。
- The place that aims at the dart that that person throw's ordering a mouse three times to have a safe-deposit box password BE 1994 then has 1 to change an awl to open a door with it in with the gray key open. 对准那人丢的飞镖的地方点鼠标三下就有一个保险箱密码是1994然后在用灰色钥匙打开里面有一个改锥用它打开门.
- A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever. 骨头断了可以治愈好,但是言语造成的伤害将会一直恶化下去。
- In the vehicle may through the remote control unlocking, Che Waiyao/lock up through key opening. 在车内可以通过遥控解锁,车外要通过钥匙开启/锁闭。
- This year, has not had former imposing and hurriedly, each kind of competition activity low key opened elects. 今年,没了以往的轰轰烈烈和风风火火,各种选秀活动低调地开选了。
- We could not handle many matters, but, we believed that a key opened a leafed door's truth. 我们做不了很多事情,但是,我们相信一把钥匙开一扇门的道理。
- The magnetic key opens the door to the residential hall and to your room, and activates the electricity supply in your room if placed in the slot. 进入学员公寓及房间应用磁卡钥匙,进入房间后插入钥匙才有电源。
- Discharging opening can be regulated which can heighten control amount of materials in the basin of the machine. 卸料门开度可调,可控制机盆内物料的数量。
- Is the drug that Chinese traditional medicine makes opened can you have bubble like carbonic acid beverage? 中药制成的药打开会不会像碳酸饮料一样有气泡?
- Contemporary Chinese reforming and opening can also draw lessons from Popper"s political philosophy. 波普尔政治哲学对当代中国的改革开放也有着可资借鉴之处。
- Penned by Abbas Kiarostami, this key opens the door of crises when a boy is left alone at home with his baby brother.Winner of Best Children's Film at the Berlin Film Festival. 基阿鲁斯达米的剧本再次绽放童彩,让这齣"小孩子独留在家"的搅鬼版拿了柏林影展的最佳儿童电影奖。
- There are also utensils for squeezing lemons and oranges and for opening cans. 还有些器具用于挤柠檬汁、桔子汁和开罐头。