- A grass called “kusa grass” still grows on the banks of the river. 河边仍然生长着一种叫做“画眉草“的植物。
- Kusa Shipping Worldwide Cargo Freight Forwarder - Our company provide all modes of transportation worldwide. 香港常安(中港)捷运有限公司-代客办理货物进出深港口岸的报关、清关、完税、派送等一条龙服务。
- Just as kusa grass wrongly handled cuts the hand, even so, a recluse's life wrongly lived drags one to states of woe. 如同不握好古沙草就会割伤手,胡乱的出家生活拖该比丘入地狱。
- I walked across the river and I cut some of the kusa grass and brought it home with me. 我在河边散步,并且割了一些画眉草,把它带回了家。
- A university professor, Ujo(Kazama Tohru) meets a very beautiful girl, Yui (Tsugumi), at a hospital where he is receiving treatment for alcohol dependency as an outpatient. 大学教授宇成在治疗酒精中毒医院遇见了美丽的由伊。
- Kōkusa 江草(姓,日本)
- kusa (=kusha)印度画眉草
- Kusaček 库萨切克
- Ōkusa 大日
- Kusača 库莎恰