- He doesn't respect other people's right to privacy. 他不尊重别人的隐私权。
- Newspapers often don't respect the individual's right to privacy. 报纸的报道往往不尊重私人权利.
- They promised to legislate to protect people's right to privacy. 他们承诺立法保护公民的隐私权。
- Is There Hope That the Right to Privacy Will Survive? 隐私权还有继续存在的希望吗?
- Online privacy is the extension of the right to privacy in cyberspace. 第二部分为网络空间的隐私侵权状况。
- The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance aims to protect the individual's right to privacy with respect to personal data. 《个人资料(私隐)条例》的目的在于保障个人资料的私隐。
- The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) protects an individual's right to privacy with respect to personal data. 《个人资料(私隐)条例》(第486章)旨在保障个人资料私隐权。
- A prop er balance should be kept between the right to privacy and social ne eds. 社会必须努力平衡个人的隐私权与社会需要这两者之间的关系。
- The Court found that the right to choose abortion was protected by this constitutional right to privacy. 最高法院发现选择堕胎的权利是作为宪法上的隐私权来保护的。
- The NMC argues that the nursing code guarantees patients' right to privacy, and that Ms Hayward violated it. NMC方面表示护士守则中规定了对病人隐私权的保护,而海沃德女士违反了该条例。
- The magazine says the stars forfeited their right to privacy by making their wedding an “international media event. 杂志则说,这两位明星因把他们的婚礼办成了一次“国际性新闻事件”而丧失了他们的隐私权。
- We take your right to privacy seriously and want you to feel confortable using our web site. 我们尊重您的隐私权,并真诚希望您能愉快的使用我们的网站。
- The nurse safeguards the client's right to privacy by judiciously protecting information of a confidential nature. 护士要捍卫患者的隐私权,明智地保障情报的机密性。
- "These articles plainly violate the right to privacy of my clients," said the couple's lawyer, Olivier Chatel. “媒体的报道严重损害了我当事人的隐私权。
- The concept of the right to privacy has a history of more than 100 years since it was first put forward by the American jurist Warren and Brandeis. 从美国法学家沃伦和布兰代斯第一次提出隐私权的概念至今已有一百多年历史。
- And the criminal law provides scarce and unsystematic protection of the right to privacy as a result of our insufficient attention paid to the problem. 然而在刑法领域中,对于隐私权研究却不得不承认是一个“冷点”。
- To strengthen the legal protection of personal data and right to privacy in cyberspace is an urgent and necessary task facing governments all over the world. 强化对网络空间的个人数据和隐私权的法律保护 ,已成为国际社会网络立法的当务之急。
- Liberty is by no means the only right to be squeezed in jail, where second-order freedoms such as the right to privacy, to family life and so on inevitably take a battering. 在监牢里被限制的权利绝不仅仅是自由(权),然而进一步的自由(权),如隐私权,家庭生活等必然遭受重创。
- Our attention to welfare is supported with well-defined policies that ensure a safe and healthy working environment, while valuing our employees' right to privacy. 伟创力定义明确的公司政策确保了安全和健康的工作环境并支持我们对员工福利的关注,同时伟创力也注重员工的隐私权。
- "At that time the English in which he mentions the concept of the right to privacy in one sentence : "Let me alone is a right, I own a right, not disturb other people a right. 当时的英文里面提到隐私权的概念就是一句话:“就是让我独处的一种权利,让我独善其身的一种权利,不受别人打扰的一种权利。”