- By rural proletariat we mean farm labourers hired by the year, the month or the day. 所谓农村无产阶级,是指长工、月工、零工等雇农而言。
- By rural proletariat we mean farm labourers hired by the year,the month or the day. 所谓农村无产阶级,是指长工、月工、零工等雇农而言。
- Farm labourers hired by the month 论月受雇的佣工
- We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss. 我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。
- A bicycle can be hired by the hour or by the day. 自行车可按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- Bicycle can be hired by the hour or by the day. 自行车可按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- The cameras are for hire by the hour. 照相机按钟点出赁
- By the end of the month he climbed 50 mountains. 到月底,他就攀登了五十座山峰。
- By the end of the month he trained 600 horses. 到月底,他就驯服了六百匹马。
- A unification passes which about the association has custom-made the procedure, the realization unification has custom-made hires by the month with. 关于联通的一个统一定制程序,实现统一定制包月与退订的一个程序。
- Rent is due by the third of the month. 每个月3号之前交房租。
- By the end of the month,we'll be well away. 到本月底我们就很有成绩了。
- By the end of the month he trained600 horses. 到月底,他就驯服了六百匹马。
- Bicycle is hired by the hour or by the day. 自行车按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- I'm always broke by the end of the month. 我总是一到月底就没钱花了。
- In the end he was hired by the boss. 最后那个老板雇了他。
- Bicyclecan be hired by the hour or by the day. 自行车可按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- They are paid not by the day but by the month. 他们是按月而不是按天计酬的。
- Bicycle can be hired by the hour or by the day . 自行车可按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- We must finish the task by the end of the month. 我们必须在月底前完成这项工作。