- It will be held in the latter half of June. 在六月下旬召开。
- He spent the latter half of his life in Oxford. 他的后半生是在牛津度过的。
- The latter half of her life was really too sad. 她的后半生实在太可悲了。
- There might be more rain in the latter half of this year. 今年下半年可能有更多的降雨。
- The latter half of his essay contains penetrating observations. 他的论文后半部有精辟的看法。
- On the Relations Between ASEAN and USSR in the Latter Half of 20th C. 20世纪后半期东盟国家与苏联的关系。
- The latter half of the program contains a few computational functions. 程序的后半部分包含几个计算型函数。
- In the latter half of 1957 we began to combat rightists on the political front. 一九五七年下半年,我们在政治上开展了反右派斗争
- In the latter half of the 15th century, the Venetians introduced the Stradiots. 素质:一般类型:早期专业部队十五世纪下半叶始,威尼斯引入巴尔干骑兵。
- Newly issued money has increased distinctively since the latter half of this year. 进入下半年、货币投放加快。
- The project is on target and phase one is due to start operating in the latter half of 1998. 内河货运码头的工程进展顺利,第一期设施将于一九九八年下半年落成启用。
- An increase in Vietnamese illegal immigrants (VIIs) that began in the latter half of 1996 continued into 1997 with 1 721 VIIs being intercepted. 一九九六年下半年越南非法入境者人数上升的趋势持续至一九九七年,期间共截获1721人。
- The latter half of the century was getting rather ashamed of the towers with their circular or spiral paintings. 到了这个世纪的后半叶人们开始对塔上围绕的或者盘旋的绘画觉得惭愧。
- ITAR-TASS: In the latter half of this year you are going to meet the Russian prime minister. :温总理您好,我是塔斯社记者。
- To achieve this,China will strive to accomplish the following tasks in the latter half of this year. 为此, 1998年下半年中国将努力做好以下几个方面的工作。
- The changing demand during pregnancy is buffered by the mobilization of fat reserves in the latter half of the pregnancy period. 整个妊娠期变化的要求,是通过妊娠后半期消耗体内储存的脂肪来缓冲的。
- Banharn is the first prime minister of Thailand to visit Myanmar since the latter half of 1980. 班汉是自1980年下半年以来首位访问缅甸的泰国总理。
- To achieve this, China will strive to accomplish the following tasks in the latter half of this year. 为此, 1998年下半年中国将努力做好以下几个方面的工作。
- In the latter half of the century,Russia set off an upsurge of invading China for two times. 兰拖掳胍
- Shu Qi form a judgment error should be blamed, of course, Jialinfeng latter half of the plate really wonderful. 输棋应归咎于形式判断的偏差;当然;贾林峰后半盘确实下的精彩.