- We all stayed in our quilt and laughed till our tears came out. 我们趴在被窝里,笑得眼泪都出来了。
- He laughed until the tears came into his eyes. 他一直笑得眼泪都流了出来。
- Those whose withers were unwrung laughed till the tears ran down 没有受牵连的人们笑得眼泪直淌
- Words were given to me that came out as the tears came. 词儿也源源而来,就象眼泪源源而流一样。
- The tears come rolling and she had to dry them quickly. 眼泪不禁夺眶而出,她不得不马上把它擦干。
- The barge-woman was leaning back and laughing unrestrainedly, till the tears ran down her cheeks. 那船娘正仰头放声大笑,笑得眼泪都从腮帮子上滚下来了。
- Which will laugh till the last? 谁会笑到最后呢?
- A burst of laughter made him straighten himself and look round. The barge-woman was leaning back and laughing unrestrainedly, till the tears ran down her cheeks. 一阵笑声,惊得他直起了身子,回过头来看。那船娘正仰头放声大笑,笑得眼泪都从腮帮子上滚下来了。
- As he crouched and frantically scrubbed his arm with loose soil the tears came again, racking him like a whipping. 他蹲在地下,疯狂地用松土擦揉手臂的时候,再次流出了眼泪,这疼痛象是一场鞭打,折腾着他。
- The tears came through in tiny little whimpers, so quiet they were barely audible. 下次我们再见面的时候,哈比比,一定是在巴格达!
- I advise waiting till the proper time. 我建议等到适当的时候。
- He waited and waited till the clouds rolled by. 他等了又等,直到时机到来。
- Suddenly engulfed by the loneliness of it all, Stella buried her face in her hands and let the tears come. 突然间,无比痛苦的孤单感吞噬了斯特拉,她双手捂着脸,让眼泪尽情地流淌。
- Keep to it. Don't stop till the job is finished. 坚持下去,一直到干完为止。
- When I saw this picture, my nose gallic acid, my eye has been red, the tear came out ......These are the child! 当我看到这张照片,我的鼻子酸了,我的眼睛红了,眼泪出来了......这些都是孩子啊!
- I'm acting as deputy till the headmaster returns. 我在校长回来前代行他的职务。
- And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse? 当眼泪狂风暴雨般从你脸旁滑落当你失去生命中最重要的东西当你发现你的所爱并不值得还有更糟的时候吗?
- Let's lie off till the next feeding time. 歇会儿,到下次加料时再干。
- I can't change my sanguinary inbeing,never.I can feel that the tears come by my face.Kill myself is the best,maybe.so Please. 我无法改变我的粗鲁的性格,我能体会到眼泪从脸上流过。也许自杀才是最好方式。
- You can talk till the cows come home: you'll never make me change my mind. 你就是说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意。