- This capsule is used for animals. 这个太空舱是用来装载动物的。
- Can you make a pet of him like a bird or put him on a leash for your girls? 你岂可拿它当雀鸟玩耍吗?岂可为你的幼女将它拴住吗?
- Of, relating to, or used for animal husbandry. 畜牧业的畜牧业的,与畜牧业有关的或用于畜牧业的
- Will you make a pet of him like a bird, or put him on a leash for your maids? 你岂能玩弄牠像玩弄小鸟,将牠缚著作你女儿的玩物?
- Its people mainly go in for animal husbandry. 其人民主要从事畜牧业生产。
- Most children have a liking for animals. 大多数孩子喜欢动物。
- The deputy sales manager strained at the leash for several years and eventually started his own company. 推销副经理盼望摆脱受雇于他人的境地已有多年时间,最后终于开办了自己的公司。
- They passed it on to the World Organization for Animal Health. 他们将之送去世界动物健康协会。
- ATS Short for Animal Tub Size. SeeAnimal tub sized paper. 槽法施胶参阅槽法施胶纸张。
- Woman driving the car will be ticketed for animal cruelty. 那名女车主将因虐待动物被罚款。
- Attraction to or affinity for animals. 酷爱动物被动物所吸引或喜好动物
- A quarantine station for animals. 为动物而设的检疫站。
- James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals. 詹姆斯赫瑞尔是一个著名的动物医生。
- A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in. 丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处。
- Containers used for animal food products shall be marked "ANIMAL FOOD". 用于动物食用产品的集装箱,应当标上“动物饲料”标记。
- Look at Simon West's idea for animated road signs. 看一下西蒙?威斯特构思的移动路标吧。
- Nevertheless, slipping the leash for the desire of possesion would keep one away from many boring of trifles and small sufferings.Thus one could live more munificently. 但是,摆脱了占有欲,至少可以使人免除许多琐屑的烦恼和渺小的痛苦,活得有气度些。
- Spiramycin adipate and spiramycin embonate are also available for animal use. 同时可以供应己二酸螺旋霉素,恩波酸螺旋霉素。
- It is bad for animals to stay in cages. 动物们被关在笼子里不好。
- He doesn't show much affection for animals. 他不太喜欢动物。