- left heart blood volume 左心血容量
- right heart blood volume 右心血量
- As a result, blood volume plummets, the heart can no longer effectively pump blood, and heart failure occurs. 因此,血液量会减少,心脏也不能有效的抽取血液了。心脏会发生衰竭。
- Methods 5 cases of hypnotic poisoning with acute left heart failuse and 12 cases of voluntarily guard against the poison in baroin addiction were taken order blood dialyses. 方法对5例安眠药中毒所致急性左心衰、肺水肿的海洛因成瘾者及12例自愿戒毒的海洛因成瘾者分别进行序贯血液透析、超滤脱水治疗,继而或一开始即进行血液透析(平透)以清除毒物。
- Mitral valve of rheumatism sex heart disease is narrow, left atrium expands, heart blood stream slow, be retarded by silt, make blood easily caky with thrombosis. 风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄,左心房扩大,心脏血流缓慢、淤滞,易使血液凝固和血栓形成。
- Aims: Left heart catheterization carries a risk for cerebral complications. 目的:左心导管术存在脑部并发症的危险。
- To find my nightlight,so you can come to your mind ,left heart in my love. 失恋之后,心被压沉。我,一人,面对苍穹,诉说星语。是无尽的夜;
- Because the heart blood is deficient, the patient felt the house shaking. 因为心血虚损,这个病人觉得房子在摇动。
- The variation of P votage is concerned with the burden of left heart. 阳性率提高二倍,P电压的变化与右心负荷程度有关。
- According to the penis size, erection at the time of normal blood volume will increase by about 80-200 ml. 根据阴茎的大小,勃起时的血容量会比平时增加大约80-200毫升。
- Results During the replacing, temperature tends to fall and CPV to rise with the increase in exchanging blood volume. 结果:换血过程中血清电解质、血糖及血肌肝无明显变化,而随换血量的增加,中心静脉压呈升高趋势,体温呈下降趋势。
- Conclusion Blood dialysis is a new method for guard against poison and effective for treating poision, estpicially for hypnotic poisoning with acute left heart failure and pulmonary edema. 结论血液透析不但是戒毒行之有效的新方法,而且对中毒,尤其是对安眠药等中毒所致急性左心衰、肺水肿的抢救治疗有独道之处。
- The technique might provide an alterative way to estimate the blood volume velocity more quickly and more economic. 这项技术可以提供另一种更快速且更经济的血液流量估测方法。
- Diuretics can cause depletion of the blood volume and so impair placental blood flow and fetal growth. 利尿剂可能会引起贫血从而损害胎盘血流和胎儿发育。
- So the current countermeasures against orthostatic intolerance are aimed to control the changes of blood volume. 现有对抗航天后立位耐力降低的措施均与血容量有关。
- The heart failure was present only in the case with left heart vegetations (15/26, among which 6 at bicuspid vale and 9 at aortic vale). 赘生物致心衰病例仅见于左心系统(二尖瓣赘生物致心衰6例,主动脉瓣赘生物致心衰9例)。
- Conclusion: Sound plasma colloidal osmotic pressure and blood volume can be achieved using 4% Gelofusine. 结论:明胶多肽血定安能维持良好的血浆胶体渗透浓度和血容量,减少组织水肿;
- Most of the vegetations existed in the left heart (26/31 ,among which 15 at bicuspid valve and 11 at aortic valve). 赘生物多见于左心系统,为26/31(二尖瓣者15/31、主动脉瓣者11/31);其它部位较少为5/31。
- The main causes of the deathwere acute left heart failune (29.7%)and the cere-bropathy of uremia(27. 9%). 死亡原因主要是急性左心衰(29.;7%25)和尿毒症脑病(27
- Miss is breathing pain, but frozen heart blood lie with me into ice, frozen with mood. 想念是会呼吸的痛,血流躺着心却冻结成冰,随着我的心情一起冰封。