- This scheme provides legal assistance to applicants whose financial resources exceed the ceiling stipulated in the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme but do not exceed $471,600. 法律援助辅助计划的对象,是财务资源超过普通法律援助计划的经济上限而又不超出471,600元的人士。
- This scheme provides legal assistance to applicants whose financial resources exceed the ceiling stipulated in the Standard Legal Aid Scheme but do not exceed $471,600. 法律援助辅助计划的对象,是那些财务资源超过普通法律援助的经济上限而又不超出471,600元的人士。
- If you need legal assistance, you can apply for legal aid under the Legal Aid Scheme. 如果你需要就你的法律问题提出诉讼或作出抗辩,但经济环境不许可,你可以考虑申请法律援助。
- Staff from LAD were sometimes invited to talk to students on the legal aid scheme. 法援署职员有时会应邀就法律援助计划向学生发表演讲。
- Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme for Civil Cases 民事诉讼的普通法律援助计划。
- Standard Legal Aid Scheme for civil cases 民事诉讼的普通法律援助。
- A total of 17 recommendations,which will see an expansion to the scope of the legal aid schemes and will bring about improvements to existing services,are being progressively implemented through administrative and legislative means. 检讨共提出17项建议,扩大法律援助计划的服务范围,并改善现有服务。这些建议现正通过行政及立法措施逐步实行。
- litigant who receives assistance under the legal aid scheme 按法律授助计划获得帮助的诉讼当事人
- Litigant who receive assistance under the legal aid scheme 按法律授助计划获得帮助的诉讼当事人
- Extending the scope of the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme based on principle of recoverability; 基于可讨回索偿金额的原则扩展辅助法律援助计划的范围;
- He do not qualify for legal aid. 他没有获得法律援助的资格。
- The scheme is self-financing and is funded by legal aid contributions and damages or compensation recovered. 法律援助辅助计划在财政上自给自足,经费来自法援受助人缴付的分担费及向获得赔偿或补偿的受助人扣取的费用。
- The latest Legal Aid Policy Review was completed in 1999. 最近一次法律援助政策检讨于年内完成。
- Aided persons in respect of the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme SLAS should not be required to pay 6 12 per cent of the damages successfully recovered; 毋须要求法律援助辅助计划的受助人支付讨回赔偿之6 12%25
- The attorney's work for the legal aid society was extracurricular. 律师对社会予以合法的援助是业余的
- The Establishment and Development of China's Legal Aid System. 中国法律援助制度的建立和发展。
- More lawyers seemed to be prepared to accept legal aid work. 越来越多律师愿意接办法律援助工作。
- Firstly, legal aid service is provided within a wider environment. 首先,法律援助是在广阔的社会环境中提供服务。
- Plans to cut Legal Aid for asylum seekers may put lives at risk. 取消给诉讼者提供法律援助的计划,有可能会引发新的危机。
- Meeting of Interest Group on the Scope of Legal Aid. 法律援助范围兴趣小组会议情况。