- A causa di un negozio simile a Linyi. 由于在临沂类似的专卖店。
- A causa de la lluvia,no salimos. 由于下雨我们不出去。
- Dr Yang Liwei, Doctor of Science, honoris causa. 荣誉理学博士杨利伟博士。
- Wonderfull Argo Navis,dreamily Milky Way! 因为真的是很漂亮.
- Act III Scene 4: Recitativo - Hai gia vinta causa! 第三幕第四场:宣叙调-Hai gia vinta causa!
- The maximum head of NAVI pump is 400m. 纳威泵的最大扬程是400米。
- Col vento orientale tu spezzi le navi di Tarsis. 你用东风摧毁他施的船队。
- Dr William Mong Man Wai, Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa. 荣誉社会科学博士蒙民伟博士。
- You may download a copy of Navis SPARCS Analytics here. 点击这里可以下载Navis SPARCS Analytics文件。
- Civitas bellum sine causa bona aut propter iram gerere non debet. 若没有好的源由,而只凭一股怒气,人民不应走上战场。
- Latin navis is feminine, for example, as is nave in Spanish and Italian. 例如,拉丁语中navis是阴性,西班牙语和意大利语中nave也是阴性,但是法语词。
- Objective Explore the causa morbi and treatment of lacunar cerebral infarction. 目的探讨腔隙性脑梗死的发病原因及治疗。
- Ascoltate, o monti, la causa dell’Eterno, e voi, saldi fondamenti della terra! 大山啊!你们要听耶和华的争辩。大地永久的根基啊!
- In conclusion, the universe is a spontaneous, contradictive, orderly cycling field of force causa sui. 总之,宇宙是一个自发、矛盾、有序循环的自因力场。
- Prior to Navis SPARCS and Navis PrimeRoute, one straddle per truck was a hard and fast rule. 在采用Navis SPARCS和Navis PrimeRoute之前,每辆跨运车配一辆货车是一个固定不变的规则。
- Prior to implementing Navis Expert Decking, all yard planning was paper-based with planners using basic allocations. 在使用Navis ExpertDecking之前,所有的堆场规划都是纸张作业,由计划员用基本分配方法完成。
- Aboard vessels, Navis PowerStow helps safely segregate hazardous cargo and calculate vessel stability. 在船上,Navis PowerStow还可帮助安全地隔离危险性货物和计算船只稳定性。
- Try to explore the causa morbi and mechanism,also the description of ophthalmological blood symptoms in TCM. 试探中医对眼科血证的病因病机、治则及遣方用药的认识。
- Navis Solutions Help The Port of Savannah's Throughput To Grow By 20% in One Year. Navis解决方案使萨瓦纳港一年的吞吐量增加了20%25。