- A life long respect 终天之慕
- I've waited for this moment my whole life long. 我一生都在等待这个时刻。
- I want you to be my life long partner. 我想让你成为我的终身伴侣。
- A life long learning process is essential. 因此,生活中不断进行学习是十分重要。
- He seeks after equity all life long. 他一生都在追求公正。
- He would have her prayers to aid him all his life long. 他一生中将有她的祝愿来协助他。
- All my life long I shall look up to you and be guided by you. 我一辈子都敬仰你,跟着你走。
- Adopt stainless steel net bring transmission, service life long. 采用不锈钢网带传动,使用寿命长。
- High precision, the speed quickly. natural life long. 精确度高,速度快,寿命长。
- Generally speaking, women live longer than men. 一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。
- His religious concern underlay his life long writings. 弗莱的宗教关怀贯穿他一生的创作。
- Woman lives longer than man in general. 女性通常比男性长寿。
- Hentai Ming: This guy salt life long, make old you, zebra chop him! 轻太明:这人嫌命长,整蛊你,班马劈佢!
- Autism is only life long if mercury poisoning is never treated. 如果汞中毒从未被治疗,孤独症将是终生的。)
- He who is hate by all cannot expect to live long. 千夫所指,不久即死。
- His reputation will live long after his death. 他将英名长存。
- Live long enough to find the right one. 请活得足够长命来招到真命天子。
- Fish can't live long out of water. 鱼离开水活不了多久。
- Some Cactaurs live long lives and grow huge. 一些仙人掌由于生长时间过久而长得十分巨大,这个大仙人掌无疑就是其中之一。
- They try to cure the disease so that people may live longer. 他们设法根治该病以便使人们活得更长些。