- Light Energy Conversion Efficiency and Assimilate Distribution of Indica-Japonica Subspecies Hybrid Rice Liangyoupeijiu at Late Stage 超级稻两优培九生育后期的光能利用和同化产物分配
- We can change the electric energy to light energy. 我们能把电能转变为光能。
- We can change electric energy into light energy . 我们能把电能转变为光能。
- The electric energy can change to light energy. 电能可以转化为光能。
- The light energy comes from the sun. 光能来自太阳。
- Rothschild: Energy conversion at Nebulium Tower is dropping. “星岩之塔”的能量转换停止了。
- Electric energy can be converted into light energy. 电能可以转化为光能。
- To absorbing light energy and heat energy. 吸收光能及热能,促进放射能量。
- They are beings of light energy. 他们是光能形式的生命。
- Energy conversion and nutrient cycling in grassdyke-fish pond ecosystem. 草基-鱼塘生态系统的能量转化与养分循环研究。
- Gasification-based energy conversion system options. (Image courtesy of OCW. 各种气体能源转化系统。(图由“麻省理工开放式课程”提供)。
- A lumen is a measure of the rate of emission of light energy. 流明是光能放射率的量度单位。
- The critical conversion efficiency is defined as the conversion efficiency of light energy when the hydrogen energy output is equal to the energy input from the outside system. 临界光能转换效率就是系统产出的氢能与外界输入系统的能量相等时的光能转换效率。
- Nanocrystalline TiO2 dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is now highlighted in its high theoretical light to energy conversion efficiency, simple manufactural process, high transparency, and low cost. 纳米二氧化钛染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)由于具有理论转换效率高,透明性高,制备工艺简单,成本低等众多优点,近年来成为世界各国争相开发研究的热点。
- We can transform electric energy into light energy ad well as into heat energy. 我们不但能变电能为光能,还能把它变为热能。
- Envirofit developed from research work in the Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory at Colorado State. 是由在科洛拉州的引擎和节能实验室的研究工作发展而来。
- Stirling engine(SE) is an important energy conversion unit in distributed energy system. 斯特林发动机是分布式能源系统中一种重要的能源转化装置。
- Nature of the electromagnetic wave (EMW) absorbing materials is the energy conversion. 吸波材料本质上是一种能量转换材料。
- Electricity energy that is supplied to a lamp can be turned into light energy. 把电供给电灯时,它就会变成光能。
- The Nobel citation noted that his discovery would be useful for energy conversion technology. 诺贝尔得奖信中提到他的发现在能量转换科学中非常有用。