- We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。
- The bright light of the car dazzled me. 这汽车的灯光使我目眩。
- The fields gave forth an odour of spring. 田野散发出春天的气息。
- Exert thy voice, sweet harbinger of spring! 敞开嗓门吧,春天甜美的使者!
- New it has been exposed to the light of day. 现在它已经暴露在光天化日之下了。
- Swallows are the forerunners of spring. 燕子是春天来临的前兆; 燕子是报春的鸟。
- A light of recognition came into his eyes. 他的眼神显示他已认出来了。
- The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring. 布谷鸟预告春天的来临。
- The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp. 风吹得油灯光摇闪不定。
- Warm rains are the forerunners of spring. 暖雨是春天来临的前兆。
- She was reading by the light of a candle. 她在蜡烛光下读书。
- In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring. 在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。
- Reason is the guide and light of life. [谚]理智是人生的灯塔。
- The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight. 烛光在日光下显得很黯淡。
- We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn. 我们坐在窗前,看着晨曦的微光。
- There is an aroma suggestive of spring flowers in the room. 这房间里有一种香气,使人想起春天的花朵。
- The crocus and other messengers of spring. 番红花和春天的其他使者
- For three spring months of the light of the sun? 报得三春辉?
- The trees began to turn green, and it took on the look of spring. 树开始变绿了,显出一片春天的景象。
- The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp. 花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。