- 不动motionless
- 心动aroused in interest
- 脉动pulsating movement
- 不动的motionless
- 初始边框的Size。The Size of the initial bounding rectangle.
- 点动crawl
- 将Point平移给定Size。Translates a Point by a given Size.
- 从动driven
- 将Point平移给定Size的负数。Translates a Point by the negative of a given Size.
- 异动transaction
- Size,它指定新Point的坐标。A Size that specifies the coordinates for the new Point.
- 微动jiggle
- 风动air operated
- 差动differential
- 可动movable
- 微动开关MSW
- 多动症hyperactivity
- 速动比率quick ratio
- 不许动Don't move.
- 撬动prize