- Long Range Position Determining System 远程定位系统
- The problem whether meteorological station collocating position is suitable has important effect on firing process and result of long range rocket launcher system. 气象站配置位置合适与否将对远程火箭炮发射产生重大影响,进而影响射击效果。
- Long range attack in aiming stance. 较远距离外瞄准射击。
- Now they have all these long range Grad missiles. 现在他们竟然拥有各种远程火箭炮。
- The long range takes vitamin movie , what side effect the calcium tablet , cod-liver oil have and the like? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>长期服用维生素片,钙片,鱼肝油之类,有何副作用?
- Prospects were bright only in their long range aspect. 光明远景尚有一悠长距离。
- Usage safety, but the long range uses, pesticide effect stabilizes enduringly, nutrition increases all round, the economic effect breeding. 使用安全,可长期使用,药效持久,稳定,营养全面,增加养殖的经济效益。
- Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move100 lb./ level at long range. 高等心灵遥控:远距离移动最多100磅/级的物品。
- The positive effect of the speech faded fast. 那演讲的积极作用很快就烟消云散了。
- For long range distress signaling from ships, lifeboats and li. 救生艇和救生筏长距离的遇险信号。
- That speech had a positive effect. 这是起了好的作用的。
- Cut down on remaining occurances of long range headers on goal. 去掉了仍然存在的超远距离头球射门的问题。
- Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move 100 lb./level at long range. 高等心灵遥控:远距离移动最多100磅/等级的物品。
- Telekinesis. Lift or move 25lb./level at long range. 心灵遥控:远距离移动最多25磅/等级的物品。
- Gene silencing can be divided into two types: position effect and homology dependent gene silencing (HdGS). 基因沉默大体可以分为两类:位置效应引起的基因沉默和同源依赖的基因沉默。
- The Enforcer was on a new attack run, firing at long range. 强击机又发起一轮攻势,在远距离上开火。
- We're promoting you to a senior position effective immediately. 我们将马上给你升职。
- Most long range locators are designed using RC timing circuits. 最远距离定位设计,使用钢筋混凝土的时间电路。
- Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. 海外投资对出口有积极影响。
- He can kill a stag at a longer range than anyone else I know. 他能在很远的地方射杀牡鹿,其距离之远,在我认识的人当中,无人可比。