- Low pass filter is used to filter PWM frequency on the BEMF signal. 通常使用低通滤波器来滤除PWM波对反电动势的影响。
- Low pass filter and mean filter fail to eliminate the diversities. 通过引入脉动假设,对信号的差异进行了分析。
- Interference signals can be reduced by means of the input low pass filter. 输入低通滤波器能减少干扰信号。
- The system utilizes a Supersonic Wave Filter positioned in front of the CCD, between the low pass filter and the shutter. 不是抖低通,低通抖不得。超声波滤镜是安装在快门后面,低通前面的单独机构!
- Three-order low pass filter is implemented by one order Sallen-Key circuit and two-order Sallen-Key circuit. 三阶的低通滤波器使用一个一阶Sallen-Key电路串联一个二阶Sallen-Key电路来达成。
- The CCD signal preamp with low pass filter is used to minimize the readout noise. 通过使用带低通滤波器的前置放大器降低了读出噪音,研究了读出噪音与读出速度的关系。
- The SI low pass filter is simulated using ASIZ and verified to be able to meet the needs of time-domain CWT. 对开关电流低通滤波器用ASIZ进行仿真,结果证实其性能完全满足实用要求。
- Based on Legendre multinomial, a new kind of low pass filter prototype is designed out after analyzing the design rule and inefficiency of some classical filter prototypes. 摘要分析了几种经典的滤波器原型设计原理及其自身不足,基于勒让德多项式,给出了一种新的低通滤波器设汁原型。
- The low pass filter (LPF) and the double second rank filter (DSF) are tested to reduce the mechanical oscillation of FSM. 讨论了低通滤波和双二阶网络滤波等几种可以减小倾斜反射镜机械谐振的方法。
- With low pass filter use Bessel for least amount of overshoot in the time domain, and Cauer (or elliptic) for fastest rolloff in the freq domain. (设计低通滤波器时选用贝塞尔型可以使时域较平坦,没有太多过冲,选用切比雪夫可以提高截止频率的陡峭性。)
- A low pass filter was designed and the simulated result from ORCAD shows that this filter is preferable to gain low-frequent FHR signal. 设计了加速度信号低通滤波放大电路并在ORCAD上进行了仿真,仿真结果表明该低通滤波电路能够较好的得到低频率胎心率信号。
- Abstract: For online imaging systems,the lock-in amplifier (LIA)with the low pass filter (LPF)is the main obstacle for faster performance. 文章摘要: 对于实时成像系统,锁相放大器的低通滤波环节是影响系统响应速度的关键因素。
- At the receiving front-end, the modulated bit strams are demodulated by the microwave sampler along with a low pass filter. 经由接收端之微波取样电路进行取样后,可由低通滤波器进行讯号之解调变。
- Useing the MATLAB command remez to obtain a low pass filter z (n) with a cutof frequencyof 40 Hz at a sample rate of 1000 Hz. (译):利用MATLAB的命令雷米兹获得低通滤波器环Z ( n )的,以截断frequencyof 40赫兹采样率为1000赫兹。
- The main blocks are CIC anti-alias filter, decimator, DC canceller, Iterative multiplier, half-band filter, IIR low pass filter, DDS etc. 系统主要模块包括:CIC抗混叠滤波器、抽取器、去直流偏置、叠代式乘法器、半带滤波器、IIR低通滤波器、数字频率转换器等。
- Image enhancement in frequency domain using Fourier center frequency, Gaussian lowpass filter, Low pass filter, high pass filter. Image restoration using medean filter, weiner filter with noise genera (译):图像增强的频域利用傅里叶中心频率,高斯低通滤波器,低通滤波器,高通滤波器。
- The resonance current,caused by the LC low pass filter at the step change of PWM switching pattern,can be effectively suppressed by one pulse control of the pattern. 在变频器PWM开关切换的阶跃变化时,低通滤波器产生的谐波电流能够被开关信号的一个脉冲控制有效抑制。
- Due to the stator resistance parameter's variance and the low pass filter (LPF), the classic estimation of stator flux is not satisfactory, especially in low-speed operation. 由于定子电阻参数变化及低通滤波器的影响,尤其低速运行时,传统定子磁链估计方法的估计精度及快速性往往很差。
- SI low pass filter is synthesized with SI integrators based on bilinear transform.Thus, It provides a solution to manufacture integrated chip of time-domain CWT. 基于双线性变换采用开关电流积分器综合实现低通滤波器,解决了时域法小波变换实用电路集成化的关键问题。
- This paper improved the harmonic current detection method based on UPF (unity power factor), using the slipped window integral to replace the LPF (low pass filter). 本文对基于单位功率因数的谐波电流检测方法进行了改进,用移动窗积分法取代检测中常用的低通滤波器。