- Katajainen had to take off at too low speed. 卡塔雅南不得不以很低的速度起飞。
- The point we raised is that we need a new lower speed limit. 提出的要点是我们需要一个新的较低的速限。
- Make sure you keep within the new lower speed limit. 一定要保持在新的较低限度内行驶。
- Sprinkle the yeast and sugar over the water and mix at low speed. 往水里撒上酵母和糖,用慢速搅拌。
- The point was raised that we need a new lower speed limit. 提出的要点是我们需要一个新的较低的速限。
- Population: The aggregate population of Beijing grew at low speed. 人口:全市人口总量低速增长。
- The SL-II's low speed handling was also a welcome surprise. 在下午二-二的低速处理也是一个惊喜。
- Add drained raisins. Knead for another 3 minutes at low speed. 加入滤干水分的提子,低速搅拌3分钟,直到完全拌匀。
- In a blender, mix all ingredients together on a low speed for 30 seconds. 将所有原料倒入掺和器中,慢速搅拌30秒。
- The lower speed ratio could be beneficial to the rapid mixing of fluids. 当转速比较低时,有利于快速反应中介质的快速混合。
- hydraulically operated speed brakes 液压传动减速板
- Population: The aggregate population of Beijing grew at a low speed. 人口: 全市人口总量低速增长。
- Add black sesame seeds and knead for another 2 minutes at low speed. 加入黑芝麻,低速继续拌均匀大约2分钟。
- The ideal method is low speed centrifugalization and dilution medium. 理想的方法是用低速离心加培养基稀释法。
- But low speed dawdling is not at all what this bike is about, is it? 但低速顸,是不是这回事,这是自行车约,是吗?
- Setting very low speeds in a wind tunnel is always a vexatious problem. 在风洞中调出低风速来始终是一个麻烦问题。
- User Parameter that sets the machine to run at a lower speed than that set by the speed control knob. 用户参数,可设置机器以一种低于控制杆已设定速度的速度运行。
- Knead on lowest speed until a rough dough is formed, about 3 minutes. 用面团搅拌钩将材料用低速搅拌成团,大约3分钟。
- The paper surveys the recently developed low speed TDMA technology for satellitecommunication. 本文概述近几年兴起的卫星通信低速时分多址(TDMA)新技术。