- Then they merged to form this radio parts factory. 这时他们合并成这个无线电原件厂。
- Wenzhou Threegold Motorcycle Parts Factory. 温州市三金摩托车附件厂。
- A drum magnet separates the magnetic parts from any loose dirt. 磁转鼓把废品上的磁铁部分分离出来。
- Welcome you to LiGuo Sewing Machine Parts Factory! Www. Cllgfl. Com. 河北省昌黎利国缝纫机零件制造欢迎您的光临!
- Wai Yip welcomed into the keel Parts Factory let us win-win cooperation! 欢迎走进伟业龙骨配件厂让我们合作共赢!
- Applied for: Precision bearing, cars, motorcycle and ompressor and magnetic parts materials etc. 应用范围:精密轴承、汽车、摩托车零部件、磁性材料、压缩机零件等。
- Furi Auto Parts Factory has developed products applicable to the FAW-Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen, Toyota, the U. 从而使我们的产品自备件生产到成品出厂的各项技术指标都达到了设计要求。
- This is the "Kay Yuyao its mechanical and electrical parts factory," Welcome to. 这里是“余姚市其凯机电零部件厂”,欢迎光临。
- Shanghai Nanhui Hongsheng Automotive Parts Factory is a professional manufacturer and developer for window lifters. 上海南汇宏升汽车配件厂是研制、生产轿车用玻璃升降器总成的专业厂。
- Zhuji City, Zhejiang Dongfeng auto parts factory was established in 1997 each owned enterprises. 浙江诸暨市东风汽车零件厂成立于1997年各人独资企业。
- We are specializing in wholesale and retail all kinds of sewing machine parts, also have our own parts factory. 我们是中国专业批发销售各种制衣设备零件的工贸公司,公司拥有自己的零配件加工生产厂。
- Now SuXin Group holds a polygonal management strategy, and it possesses SuXin Transmission Co.,Ltd.SuXin Diesel Motor Parts Factory, and SuXin Hotel. 苏新集团采用多角化经营战略,目前还拥有苏新传动件有限公司、苏新柴油机配件厂,苏新大酒店等三家经济实体。
- Now Chaotang Group holds a polygonal management strategy, and it possesses Chaotang Transmission Co.,Ltd.Chaotang Diesel Motor Parts Factory, and SuXin Hotel. 超唐集团采用多角化经营战略,目前还拥有超唐传动件有限公司、超唐柴油机配件厂,超唐大酒店等三家经济实体。
- Wenzhou City-Ghali construction machinery parts factory in Wenzhou City-Ghali construction machinery parts factory in October 1998, to the development, production, sales as one. 温州市宝加利工程机械配件厂于1998年10月,以研制、生产、销售为一体。
- Zhang slope field personnel to leave Beijing, Wu Zhen is a light Auto Parts Factory retired workers, not long ago, two disputes arising from the issue of housing lease. 张坡是外地来京务工人员,吴珍是某轻型汽车配件厂退休工人,前不久,二人因房屋租赁问题产生纠纷。
- Danyang City offshore petrochemical machinery parts factory, founded in 1980 in Danyang City Chiang Shu town, some enterprises in the mechanical and offshore ocean Alcoa. 丹阳市远洋石化机械配件厂创建于1980年位于丹阳市蒋墅镇,企业内部分远洋机械和远洋铝业。
- Applie for: Precision bearing, cars, motorcycles and ompressor and magnetics parts materials etc. 应用范围:精密轴承、汽车、摩托车零部件、压缩机零件磁性材料等。
- Ningbo Beilun Dagan Tatsu precision Machine Parts Factory was founded in 1993, is a company specializing in all kinds of metal, stainless steel valves and accessories specialist. 宁波市北仑区大矸精达机械配件厂成立于1993年,是一家专门从事各种金属、不锈钢阀门及配件的专业公司。
- Motorcycle Parts Factory Yongda superior spray technology, fuel tank decals printed and attractively presented, welcome customer processing, custom-made to Fig. 永大摩托车配件厂喷涂技术出众,油箱贴花印刷精美,欢迎客户来料加工,来图订造。
- To undertake professional external aluminum precision components until the bulk processing, serving for many years Golgotha of NC machine parts factory experience. 专业对外承接铝合金等到精密零件的批量加工,在职多年各各机械零件的数控加工厂经验。