- Outlook does not display the Ribbon in the main application window. Outlook不在主应用程序窗口中显示功能区。
- The dialog then disappears and returns the user to the main application window. 之后,这个对话框便消失了,把使用者交还给应用程序的主窗口。
- Then, the size of the video playback window is set to the same size and position as the client area (loaded in rect) of the main application window (g_hWnd). 然后,将视频播放窗口的大小和位置设置为与主应用程序窗口(g_hWnd)的客户端区域(在rect中加载)的大小和位置相同。
- Because dialog boxes can be more verbose and structured, they can provide an alternate, pedagogic vector for functions that are also accessible through direct manipulation in the main application window. 由于对话框可以提供更加详细且更加结构化的信息,所以可以把它当做另一种学习的途径,用来学习那些在主应用窗口直接操作的功能,同时还可以直接访问它们。
- Put this information into main application windows in the form of RVMF and see how many dialogs you can eliminate from routine use! 利用丰富视觉非模态反馈形式把信息放在你的主显示屏,试试看你可以消除多少例行公事的对话框!
- English: Activate the left-most menu of the application window. 激活应用程序窗口的最左侧菜单。
- Event after the main application runs, but before it shuts down. 在主应用程序运行之后但在关闭之前,应用程序将引发。
- The status line is another optional component of an application window. 状态行是应用程序窗口的另一个可选组件。
- Main Applications: For removal of mercury etc. 主用于脱除汞等
- The system event code runs a thread separate from the main application. 系统事件代码运行一个独立于主应用程序的线程。
- Function of the main application class to call this dialog box first. 函数,以使其首先调用此对话框。
- Main Application:Towboat goods net,floating transportation of wood,bunding etc. 主要用途:拖船、货网、浮运木材、捆绑等。
- The toolbar is displayed across the top of the application window,below the menu bar. 工具栏显示在菜单栏下面、横跨应用程序窗口的顶部。
- Main Application: Various equipment for derricking , lifting and drawing . 重要用途:各种起重、提升和牵引设备及重要机械和仪器等。
- Whether you link or embed the diagram, only the top selected node will be displayed in the client application window. 无论是链接还是嵌入关系图,只有选定的最上层节点将显示在客户端应用程序窗口中。
- Drag a Status bar shape to the lower edge of the application window and format appropriately. 将“状态栏”形状拖到应用程序窗口的下边缘,并相应设置格式。
- Main Application: building exteriors &interiors and kitchen furnishing with general quality requirements. 主要用途:表面要求一般的建筑内外装饰、厨房设备等。
- The event handler maximizes the Microsoft Office Excel application window when the current workbook is opened. 该事件处理程序在打开当前工作簿时最大化Microsoft Office Excel应用程序窗口。
- Controls are organized into groups along a horizontal strip at the top edge of an application window. 控件沿应用程序窗口上边缘的水平条形区组织成组。
- Main Applications: Equipment for port load and unload derrlck tower crane. 主要用途:港口装卸和塔式起重机用。