- Company facility layout and adjustment plan. 公司设施规划和调整计划。
- Using Genetic Algorithms on Manufacturing Facilities Layout Problems 基于遗传算法的制造设备布局问题的研究
- Opening a new manufacturing facility in China. 在中国增建了生产基地。
- According to the company's products and the actual equipment, optimization of facility layout and equipment configuration 。.. 根据公司产品及设备实际情况,进行工厂布局和设备配置分析,并设计优化。。
- In 2000,Haier became the first Chinese company to open a major manufacturing facility in the U.S. . 2000年,海尔公司在这里建厂,从而成为第一个在美国建立大型工厂的中国公司。
- An example of 12 facility layout optimization is given and the algorithm is rapidly converged at about 170th generation.The result is presented using virtual reality technology. 最后,给出了一个12台设备车间布局仿真算例,结果表明,算法快速地在进行170代左右时达到了收敛,并采用虚拟现实技术将计算结果形象地呈现出来。
- To provide production planning documentation through the manufacturing facility. 按生产设备性能和能力,提供生产计划文件。
- NCR (Beijing) Financial Equipment System's ATM manufacturing facility was inaugurated and began production. 安迅(北京)金融设备系统有限公司新厂房落成开幕并正式投产。
- Tracking components as they are assembled into a final product in a manufacturing facility. 在制造厂中将零部件组装为成品时对零部件进行跟踪。
- Data is replicated from servers at the manufacturing facility to a staging server at the company headquarters. 然后,将生产设备处的服务器中的数据复制到公司总部的临时服务器。
- In 2000, Haier became the first Chinese company to open a major manufacturing facility in the U.S.. 2000年,海尔公司在这里建厂,从而成为第一个在美国建立大型工厂的中国公司。
- We can predetermine the future assemble time precisely in the early statues of project process.And give basic support to facility layout, manpower distribution and production capacity utilize. 通过一套国际先进的标准化的工时预定体系,在项目早期即准确公正地预定出未来生产工时,为生产布局,人员配置等提供依据,为有效的利用产能服务。
- Provide administrative assistance to the General Manager, Bemis China and the Bemis China manufacturing facility. 向碧美斯中国区总经理和工厂提供行政协助。
- The application extents and advantages/disadvantages of diversified facility layout were presented.Optimization objectives and constraint conditions of facility layout were summarized. 介绍了设备布局的相关概念及不同分类标准下的布局形式,分析了各种设备布局形式的适用范围及优缺点。
- It also opened a new manufacturing facility in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 2006. 它还开设了一个新的制造工厂在罗利,北卡罗莱纳州,在2006年。
- In 2000, Haier became the first Chinese company to open a major manufacturing facility in the U.S. . 2000年,海尔公司在这里建厂,从而成为第一个在美国建立大型工厂的中国公司。
- Transatlantic Jewelry Manufacturing LLC based in USA has its jewelry manufacturing facility in India. 大西洋首饰制造公司总部设在美国有它的珠宝生产厂,在印度。
- Describe the manufacturing facilities testing capabilities. 描述制造场所的测试能力。
- ITL set up manufacturing facilities in Ipoh, Malaysia. ITL公司在马来西亚的怡保建立了生产基地。
- Therefore, facilities layout in SLP should be considered smooth flow of vehicles and cargos in SLP. 因此,考虑 SLP 的设施布局时要使 SLP 内的车辆和货物均衡。