- Since the missile is designed for medium range it is likely to be heavy, 1000kg or more. 由于导弹是按中程设计的,所以多半很重,可达1000公斤或更重一些。
- These submarines were armed with nuclear missiles. 这些潜艇装备有核导弹。
- The first to be fully tested in 2003 was the KT-1, a four-stage rocket based on the DF-21 MRBM (Medium Range Ballistic Missile). 首先要充分的测试是在2003年的KT - 1 , 4级火箭的基础上的DF - 21中程弹道导弹(中程弹道导弹) 。
- And from this state of accelerated motion, it launches a nuclear missile. 是的。然后在这种加速运动的状态中发射核弹。
- Sokolov: Yes. And from this state of accelerated motion, it launches a nuclear missile. 是的。然后在这种加速运动的状态中发射核弹。
- During the NOD Campaign, when a nuclear truck destroyed, there is a nuclear missile from the sky to explode. 这是战役里核弹车爆炸的效果。
- SSBN is the United States Navy's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine. SSBN是美国海军对弹道导弹核潜艇的分类称谓.
- transportable medium range ballistic missile 移动式中程弹道导弹
- Under the SDI, ground and space-based forces were to protect the U.S. from a nuclear missile attack. 根据SDI计划,美国将会通过陆基和天基的力量来保护本土免受核导弹的攻击。
- The scalar meson sigma mediates the intermediate range nuclear force, and the vector mesons are important to understand the repulsion core of nuclear force. 我提到一般介子是标量粒子,这句话引起误会,并不是我以为只存在标...
- Assuming a nuclear missile isn't intercepted by anti-missile systems, the devastation it causes is unreal. 显然核导弹没有被反导弹系统拦截,破坏简直是不可至信的大。
- medium range surface-to- surface ballistic missile 中程地对地弹道导弹
- North Korea has raised alarms around the world with its recent nuclear missile tests. 北朝鲜近来的颗导弹试验让世界各国都惊恐忧虑。
- For cast iron pumps, the PH value of medium ranging within 5-9. 铸铁材质的泵,介质PH值在5-9范围内。
- MacKenzie, Donald. Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 《创造精确性:关于核导弹制导的历史社会学》。1990年麻州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版。
- Mobile Medium Range Ballistic Missile 机动中程弹道导弹
- The strategic nuclear missile force,under the direct command of the CMC,constitutes the main part of China's limited nuclear counterattack capability. 战略核导弹部队是一支具有一定规模和实战能力的主要核反击作战力量,直接由中央军委指挥。
- There was "convincing evidence" for leaving the agreement because "many countries are developing and perfecting medium range rockets", he said. 他表示,“许多国家正在研制并完善各种中程导弹”,所以俄罗斯有“令人信服的理由”退出该条约。
- Our nuclear missiles can be launched at a moment's notice. 我们的核导弹一接到通知就可以随时发射。
- At 3,000,000km from Geodesa the crafts Hyper Spatial Propulsion Drive is engaged and the ship disappears from Deltan medium range telemetry. 在距离吉德萨300万的地方,超级空间推进器装置与此衔接了,然后飞船在德尔塔中级遥感装置中消失了。