- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- This light is a metaphor for the flame of creation. 这种光是对创造的火焰的一种隐喻。
- Is a metaphor for the difficulties in life. 以示人生途径中之磨难。
- It is the metaphor for individuality: atomic. 这是个性的隐喻:原子的。
- Wear is a wonderful metaphor for a commonwealth. 磨损是对应共同体的一个妙喻。
- The name Kalki is often a metaphor for "Eternity" or "Time". 卡尔基这个名字经常是对“永恒”或“时间”的一种隐喻。
- Isis is a metaphor for the feminine aspect in all of us. 伊希斯是我们所有人里面的女性外貌的隐喻。
- The building is a clear metaphor for British urban and rural life. 建筑是一个明确的隐喻英国城市和农村生活。
- This is a metaphor for local villains who bully people wilfully. 在一处地方横行无理,欺压百姓的坏人。
- Metaphor: In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- Now, it's used as a metaphor for inhibitions that give people headaches. 所以,紧箍咒就是让人听了感到头疼或有顾忌的东西。
- Certainly Paris became my metaphor for addressing life's challenges on my own. 当然,巴黎已成为我人生中挑战自我并战胜自我的一个象征。现在只要我遇到困难,我就对自己说:如果我能够去巴黎,我就能去世界的任何地方。
- This is a metaphor for someone who is not docile or doesn't toe the line. 不是一个安分、老实的人。
- But as a metaphor for the industry, the roller coaster is all wrong. 然而,作为一个产业,把云霄飞车视为主题乐园的象征是彻头彻尾的错误。
- He thinks the home office concept is a metaphor for the home office worker. 他认为家庭办公室这一概念同时也把那些回家还工作的人形容出来了。
- Now it is used as a metaphor for lacking evidence or unnecessary worries. 现在比喻缺乏根据和不必要地忧虑。
- A "Chinese Wall" can be a metaphor for an insurmountable barrier to understanding. 一座“Chinese Wall”可以比喻为一个理解上不可逾越的障碍物。
- This is a metaphor for people who play the principal role of a backbone or the key figure. 起主要作用的骨干或核心人物。
- One metaphor for what we are talking about is found in the Eastern Taoist image, the organic itself. 在东方道教的形象里,可以找到一个关于我们现在所讨论问题的一个比喻,机体自身。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。