- The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety and eight. 亚特的后裔,就是希西家的子孙九十八名。
- The GRE ater the truth, the greater the libel. 真理越大,诽谤也越大。
- Ater tablespace user begin backup. 对某个表空间进行热备份。
- It happened in the week ater Christmas. 这件事发生在圣诞节以后的那个星期。
- A stony meteorite that contains no chondrules. 无球粒陨石
- W ater and Low V iscosity Fluid Hydraulics[ Z]. 刘银水;黄艳;贺小峰;等.;水压阀的研究与发展
- The children of Ater, of Hezekiah, ninety-eight. 亚特的后裔,就是希西家的子孙九十八名。
- Please brng me a pot of coffee (boled ater). 请送给我一壶咖啡(热水)。
- Please brng me some ce cubes and ater. 请送给我一些冰块和水。
- A w ater hole for cattle.(2) A n artesian w ell. 此词有两个意义:1)供牲畜喝水的水塘;2)喷水井,即所谓的“自流
- There's a meteorite that hit the ground near here. 附近有颗流星刚掉下来
- He discovered an unusual meteorite. 他发现了一块奇异的陨石。
- The meteorite might have caused a huge dust cloud. 陨星可引起巨大的尘埃云。
- A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite. 陨星坑陨石对地表冲击所造成的痕迹
- May each year brings you ater happiness and at success. 祝你幸福与成功与日同增.;-------[光年网原创
- T he ratio of rainfall to yield, sim ilar w ith w ater use index. R W : 为降水量同产量之比 , 类似于耗水系数。
- Figliuoli di Ater, della famiglia d’Ezechia, novantotto. 亚丁的子孙六百五十五人。
- Ezr 2:16 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety and eight. 拉2:16亚特的后裔,就是希西家的子孙九十八名;