- The method of producing dineutron was discussed. 讨论双中子态的产生方式;
- Now there are three methods of producing PVB resin. 目前生产聚乙烯醇缩丁醛树脂(PVB)的方法有3种。
- The significance of developing high-shrinkage PP fiber and the method of producing high? 介绍了开发高收缩聚丙烯纤维的意义,制备高收缩聚丙烯纤维的方法。
- Case binding The method of producing case-bound books. Also called Edition binding. 製造硬皮书箱的方法。
- Pen ruling Method of producing ruled sheets with a set of pens, under which the sheet travels. 用一排钢笔在移动的纸上画上平行线条的方法。
- Lost-wax casting: Traditional method of producing molds for metal sculpture and other castings. 脱蜡法:制作金属雕塑和其它铸件用的模具的传统方法。
- A new method of producing sand binder of mixing resid treated by chemical method with soluble poly-mer was discussed. 论述了一种将化学处理后的渣油与聚合物水溶液混合制作型砂粘结剂的方法。
- Introduce a basic structure about new flat deflecting yoke & T-type CRT and a method of producing a T-type CRT. 介绍了一种新型平面偏转线圈的基本结构及制造T型CRT的方法
- The technology and methods of producing xylitol are introduced. 介绍了木糖醇的生产方法和生产工艺。
- Five methods of producing potassium pentaborate weres studied. 实验研究了5种制备五硼酸钾的方法。
- Five methods of producing potassium pentaborate were studied. 实验研究了5种制备五硼酸钾的方法。
- A method of producing sand binder by blending rock oil resid and vegetable oil resid was introduced. 介绍了一种将植物渣油与石油渣油共混生产铸造用型(芯)砂粘结剂的方法。
- A method of producing crystal sodium fluoride with sodium fluosilicate and sodium carbonate is introduced. 本文介绍了以氟硅酸钠、纯碱为原料生产晶体氟化钠的工艺,并对操作条件作了详细的说明。
- Summer fallow is the best method of destroying weeds. 夏季休耕是消灭杂草的最好办法。
- The new method of producing basic copper carbonate from waste etching solution containing copper. 介绍了利用含铜蚀刻废液合成碱式碳酸铜的新工艺。
- SHIGERU AKLYAMA,HIDETOSHI UENO,KOJI IMAGAWA,et al.Foamed metal and method of producing same[P].US Patent,4713277. 赵增典;张勇;李杰.;泡沫金属的研究及其应用进展[J]
- This is not an economical method of heating. 这不是一种经济的取暖方式。
- His method of organizing the work is commendable. 他组织这项工作的办法是值得称赞的。
- A method of producing three-dimensional facular lattice through a diffractive axicon was proposed. 提出一种利用衍射轴棱锥产生三维光格的方法。
- The method of anthraquinone as a fairly mature method of producing hydrogen peroxide has been adopted worldwide. 蒽醌法作为一种较成熟的双氧水生产方法,被世界各国广泛采用。