- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- It has become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- The person and its acts are the carrier of the moral value. 而人格及其行为是道德价值的载体。
- So faith is a fact, it is a scientific force, not a moral value. 因此信心是事实,是一股科学的力量,而不是道德价值。
- Offensive to public moral values; immodest. 无礼的;猥亵的冒犯公共道德价值观的;下流的。
- The difference in value preference, compared with information asymmetry, is a more vital soft factor in capital market segmentation. 相对信息不对称,价值偏好差异是更重要的资本市场软分割因素。
- For Aristotle, there was a connection between social superiority or inferiority and moral value. 在亚里士多德看来,社会等级的高低和道德有关。
- It has become fashionable to do down traditional moral values. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- But as the cross lesson of Ethnics and Value philosophy, there are big rift on the problem of the concept of moral value in academic circles. 而作为伦理学与价值哲学的交叉课题,学术界在道德价值的概念问题上存在着较大分歧。
- Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values. 人们强调学校为道德价值观的传输者。
- This is a crucial stage of the development of moral values. 这是形成道德观念的一个重要阶段。
- Parents often impose their own moral values on their children. 父母往往让子女接受自己的道德观。
- Greed has driven people to ignore laws and moral values. 贪婪已经驱使人们无视法律和道德观念。
- The collapse of moral values has made the situation worse. 道德力量的崩溃,使势态更加严重。
- We affirm the need for moral values in business decision-making. 我们坚持,企业决策时要考虑其道德价值。
- Detecting a moral value in Chardin that was lacking in Boucher, Diderot became his chief intellectual supporter. 发掘出夏丹道德的价值,而这是Boucher所欠缺的,Diderot成为他主要的理性支持者。
- Ni che reevaluates christian moral value in order to reconstruct it and establish a new set of it. 尼采对基督教道德价值进行重估,目的是要对道德价值进行重构,建立一套新的道德价值表。
- The governance objective of the Party abounds with the moral value pursuit on "for the public" and "for the people". 党的执政目标充满立足于“为公”、“为民”的道德价值追求。
- That is, for whatever reason, the referent group simply places no moral value on charitable contributions. 这就是,不论何种原因,指涉组简单的地方,没有道德价值上的慈善捐款。
- In the forth part, I mainly analyze the cause that give rise to secularize standards of moral value of novels in 1990s. 第四部分对九十年代小说主要向世俗化发展的原因进行了挖掘。