- Moral corruption or degradation. 堕落道德败坏,堕落
- Levchenko recoiled at what he deemed moral corruption. 列夫钦科把他所认为的道德上的贪污腐化视若蛇蝎。
- A filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place. 藏污纳垢的地方肮脏的、令人恶心或道德败坏的场所
- Eg. Moral corruption must be rooted out in order to. 须根除腐败。
- Moral corruption is the forerunner of national decline. 道德败坏是民族衰落的先兆。
- A pervertedappetite top Morally corrupt; perverted. 道德败坏的;堕落的。
- These people are morally corrupt. 这些人道德品质败坏。
- Moral corruption must be rooted out in order to preserve the integrity of the state. 为了使国家健康发展,必须根除腐败。
- Moral corruption is to the State as(what) physical disease is to an individual body. 对于一个国家来讲道德败坏就如同一个人身体有病一样。
- Incapable of being morally corrupted. 正直的道德不会堕落的
- Some have claimed Fritzl's sadism to be a vestige of Nazism's moral corruption, others that the psychological strain of living for years under the threat of nuclear destruction was to blame. 有人将弗利兹的虐待心理归罪于道德败坏的纳粹思想残余,也有人将它归罪于常年在核辐射威胁下生活所导致的心理扭曲。
- How can they grow up in this kind of a world without becoming morally corrupt? 他们怎能在这样的世界成长而保持道德纯洁
- Morally corrupt; perverted. 道德败坏的; 堕落的
- Moreover, with the analysis of its utility function, due to low current utility, poor inspection ability and less loss of the exposure, moral corruptions can be easily induced. 而且通过对资产管理公司效用函数分析后发现,由于资产管理公司现有效用较低、监督约束能力较弱以及败德行为暴露后效用损失较小,也容易引发其败德行为。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- Morally corrupt;perverted. 道德败坏的;堕落的
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
- You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
- His moral standards have been called into question. 他的道德标准令人生疑。
- But even five years ago, Chinese books and magazines were censored or banned from showing pictures of scantily clad models or publishing content that was deemed offensive or morally corrupt. 才五年前,中国大陆的图书杂志还会因为有衣不蔽体的模特儿照片或内容被官方认定冒犯忌讳、败坏道德,而遭到检查或禁售。