- This message contains one or more result elements. 这一消息包含了一个或多个结果结构。
- Of many results we shall cite just one. 在这许多结果中我们将只引述一个。
- Most results meet or exceed expectations. 大部份业绩符合或超过预期。
- Two or more results of a thing may impel the thing towards the direction of wrong or right, so we can not judge a thing decisively sometimes. 一件事情的两种或者多种结果都有可能促使事情往好的或不好的方面发展,所以有时我们不能果断的对一件事情做出判断。
- To determine this, if three or more results are valid, the high and low credit claims are dropped, and the remaining credit claims are averaged. 为了确定最终给予的积分,如果有三个或以上的有效结果,先抛去最高值和最低值,然后求剩下的平均值。
- Hierarchical query contained more results than expected. Only one row returning statement is allowed per embedded command . 分层查询包含比期望的更多的结果。每个嵌入命令中只能有一行返回指令。
- Also in 2003 Hans Kristian Eriksen of the University of Oslo and his co-workers presented more results that hinted at alignments. 同样也在2003年,挪威奥斯陆大学的艾瑞克森(HansKristianEriksen)以及与他合作的研究人员,呈现了更多关于排列线索的结果。
- Conditional development is successful, it will allow the development of good at strategizing, handy, reaching more results. 有条件的发展是成功的发展,它能让发展者运筹帷幄、得心应手,达到事半功倍的结果。
- Many result from viewing applications independently. 许多问题是由于单独地考虑应用而引起的。
- Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure that is described by this SqlCommand, and retrieves one or more result sets from the server. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
- Single events, when combined as an interacting unit, can demonstrate many more results than the sum of results from each event on its own. 如果把一个个独立的事件组合成一个相互作用的整体,产生的结果会比单个个体的作用之和要大得多。
- ECC has been studied for more than ten years since it had been proposed, and many results have been made by the cipher scholars. 自椭圆曲线密码体制提出以后,经过众多密码学者十多年的研究,取得了丰富的研究成果。
- We have added schematic versions of many results in the form of exercises and remarks. 我们对于很多结果以练习和注释的形式用概型语言加以说明。
- Many results show that the method of microwave sterilization is more easy to perform, economical and reproducible than the conventional autoclaving method. 大量的研究报道显示:微波是实现安全、可靠、高效灭菌的一种有效方法,但微波对不同器械和菌种灭菌的具体条件还需实验研究;
- But for the problem of the DCI-property of metacyclic groups, there are still not many results. 而对于亚循环群的DCI-性,目前所知的结果并不多。
- The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers. 工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
- Most results on Google are already so fast, that shaving a nanosecond here or there hardly seems to matter. 谷歌上的多数搜索结果已经足够快了,以致即时在什么地方耽搁一纳秒都没什么区别。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- It has appeared many results about regularity for weak solutions of quadric jncreasing parabolic equations. 得到了一类二阶散度型椭圆方程很弱解的一个正则性结果。