- The routine can take no more than 25 SECONDS! 整个流程绝不能超过25秒!
- I can take up to four people(= but no more than four)in my car. 我的汽车最多能带四个人。
- This agreement involves more than meets the eye. 这个协议比看起来要复杂的多。
- His all worldly possessions amounted to little more than the clothes he stood up in. 他在人世间的他部财产,除了身上所穿的外,别无他物。
- There's more than meets the eye in George's visits to London. 乔治访问伦敦显然另有打算。
- A mother mustn't favor one of her children more than the others. 母亲不应对任何一个儿女有所偏爱。
- She always favours her youngest child (more than the others). 她总是偏爱她最小的孩子。
- Every Olympic legend has been widely circulated, and also taking in the Olympic host city charming, it held more than the history of the Olympiad in which city? 每一届奥运会都有传奇故事被人们广为流传,而奥运举办城市也各有千秋,魅力十足,那么历史上不止举办过一届奥运会的城市有哪些呢?
- Modern dances proved to be more than the dish could bear, for during the party it capsized and sank in seven feet of water. 馅饼盘终于经受不住现代舞蹈,聚会中,馅饼盘“翻了船”, 沉入7英尺深的水中。
- I enjoyed the apres-ski more than the skiing itself. 我喜欢滑雪,更喜欢滑雪后的闲暇时间。
- He(Gorbachev) has his eye on more than the impending summit meeting with Ronald Reagan. An unusually important Communist Party conference is only a month away. 他(戈尔巴乔夫)不仅着眼于即将与里根举行的高层会,一项非常重要的共产党会议仅有一个月即将召开。
- There is more than meets the eye. 中为什么。
- The fat taken in daily isn't more than 65 g. 每天摄入的脂肪量最好不要超过65克。
- Transformers, more than meets the eye! 强烈推荐!准备再去看一次!
- When channels are reused, however, a faulting channel can take down more than one pending request or send. 然而,重用通道时,出错通道可以关闭多个挂起的请求或发送。
- The living need charity more than the dead. 生者比较死者需要更多的施与。
- It can take a substantial amount of time to create a complete memory dump on a computer with more than 2 GB of RAM. 在RAM超过2 GB的计算机上,创建完全内存转储将需要相当长的时间。
- The love of justice be, in most men, nothing more than the fear of suffering injustice. 爱护主义,对大部分人来说,只不过是害怕不公正所苦罢了。
- However, more than often you end up in rebooting your system that can take several minutes. 然而,更经常的是你需要重新启动你的系统,这可能需要花费几分钟的时间。
- You mean by the coming more than the pager company. 你的意思是说你们公司将不止经营寻呼机业务,要成为多种经营的企业。