- Compared with the policy of Derate and Subsidy, the agricultural investment for science and the agricultural investment for education influence more. 农业科研公共投资对农民人均现金收入之外的所有经济效果指标,包括农业产出、农民人均纯收入和农民种粮积极性都有着显著的正的影响,即农业科研投入越多农业产出和农民收入增加幅度越大;
- Mekka: If I become rich,I will invest for you. 麦加:我将来有钱,就为你们投资。
- Maiga: If I become rich, I will invest for you. 麦加: 我将来有钱,就为你们投资。
- She was designated as the Minister for Education. 她曾被任命为教育部长。
- Domain name is an investment for me. 对我来讲,域名是一种投资。
- Finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。
- Shoppers aspirate for education and new knowledge. 商场内的游客追求教育和新知识。
- He stole money under colour of making investments for clients. 他们以给委托人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。
- NSW Exporter of the Year Awards for Education. 年新南威尔士年度教育输出奖获得者。
- Commissioner Addo is responsible for education. 艾多专员负责教育。
- Building new futures for education. 打造教育的新未来。
- I think most customers invest for the one year term. 我想大多数顾客都会选择1年期存款。
- Through my childhood, I had hungered for education. 我从小就盼望上学。
- The board voted the money for education. 委员会投票表决将该款项用作教育经费。
- They voted a sum of money for education. 他们投票批准了一笔教育经费。
- She was designated as the Minister for Education . 她曾被任命为教育部长。
- The rate of return on an investment for a one-year period. 以一年为期限计算的投资回报率。
- Multimedia is a means for education. 多媒体是一种教育辅助手段。
- Is it Overheat of Investment for the Aluminum Processing? 铝加工投资过热了吗?
- The greatest happiness is to work for education. 为教育事业而工作是最大的幸福。