- They were staring at the television screen. 当时他们正盯着电视屏幕。
- A radar screen is not unlike a television screen. 雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏没什么不一样。或:雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏一样。
- The television screen blanked out. 电视萤幕变得模糊不清。
- The outbreak of war was splashed across the television screens. 战争爆发的消息显眼地出现在电视屏幕上。
- Monitors, also known as video display terminals(VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs), 有单色显示器和彩色显示器。
- A computer screen looks the same as a television screen. 计算机屏幕看起来就如同电视屏幕一样。
- Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium. 体育场的两端安装了大型电视屏幕。
- An area of glow around a bright object on a television screen. 晕影电视屏幕上明亮物体周围出现的光晕
- The television screen remained the center of attention. 电视屏幕依然是人们注意的中心.
- "I lied, I lied, and I lied some more," admits Mr Blair, as he shamelessly rides the joys of a new book, a likely film deal and multiple television appearances. “我撒谎了,我撒谎了,我还撒了一些谎,”布莱尔先生在他的新书中承认道。在电视镜头前,他也这样承认。他的故事可能还会拍成电影。
- Monitors,also known as video display terminals(VDTs),resemble television screens,and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs),有单色显示器和彩色显示器。
- On earth astronomers use computers to reconstruct the images and display them on television screens. 地球上的天文学家运用计算机来重现这些图像,并将它们展示在电视屏幕上。
- That week people all over the world saw the film of this mysterious light on the their television screens. 在那一周内,全世界的人都在电视屏幕上看到了这一神秘发光体的镜头。
- Television screens insist on the authenticity of everything you are about to see and hear. 电视屏幕坚持让你将要看到和听到的一切都是真实的。
- Monitors, also known as video display terminals, resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器又称为视频显示终端,类似于电视屏幕,可能是单色的,也可能是彩色的。
- In theory, the moving version of the product might be used in computer and television screens. 理论上,此产品的后续版本也许会用于电脑和电视屏幕。
- Ads are papered over bus shelters, projected on giant outdoor television screens and plastered on billboards. 广告被张贴在汽车站、广告栏、在露天大屏幕播放。
- The monitor is an essential output device of a microcomputer. Monitors, also known as video display terminals, resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器是微机的重要输出设备。显示器又称为视频显示终端,类似于电视屏幕,可能是单色的,也可能是彩色的。
- Monitors, also known as video display terminals (VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs),有单色显示器和彩色显示器。
- Musicians and singers who worked with Elvis Presley will perform in front of huge television screens showing Elvis singing. 和猫王工作过的音乐家和歌手们将在播放猫王演唱(录像)的巨大电视屏前演唱猫王歌。