- A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them. 他们之间产生了深切的相互尊重和理解。
- Discussion requires an atmosphere of mutual respect and civility. 讨论需要互相尊重和礼貌的氛围。
- Mutually respects and responsible to self conduct. 二、互相尊重,对自己的言论和行为负责。
- She being a strict teacher, students respect and love her. 她是个严厉的老师,学生们都尊重她,爱戴她。
- Younger siblings should respect and love the older ones. 弟弟妹妹应该尊重敬爱他们的兄长。
- In this way, each member in society will shroud in respect and love. 在这种方式下,每个社会成员都会生活在尊重和爱的怀抱之中。
- A 33-year-old man in northern Malaysia has married a 104-year-old woman, saying mutual respect and friendship had turned to love, a news report said Tuesday. 周二一家报纸说:居住在马来西亚北部的一位33岁男子和一名104岁的老妇结了婚。互敬和友谊演变成爱情。
- Initiate dialogues and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and equality. 在相互尊重和平等基础上开展对话与合作。
- He pressed me profound in his respecting and loving to his mother. 他对他的母亲的敬爱给了我深刻的印象。
- Relations between countries based on the fundaments of mutual respect and neighborliness. 国与国之关系建立在相互的尊敬及和睦基础上。
- Seek testimony to Li Jinji, he laughed: This is mutual respect and trustful problem. 向李晋吉求证,他笑了:这是相互尊重与信任的问题。
- Arbitrators shall show mutual respect and actively cooperate and support each other in the hearing of cases. 五、仲裁员应当相互尊重,在案件审理中积极配合与支持。
- The two sides have constantly enhanced multi-level political consultation and dialog on the basis of equality,mutual respect and mutual benefit. 多层次的政治磋商与对话不断加强,这种对话是平等的、相互尊重的和相得益彰的。
- Such a man is Ki Whang Kim, whose relationship with his students and peers is that of mutual respect and deep friendship. 相互尊重和深厚的友谊。
- We believe that creativity and teamwork can be nurtured through mutual respect and trust, and this enables us to persistently reach new heights. 我们相信透过彼此尊重及信任,才能激发无限创意,全面开拓企业潜能,持续攀越新高峰。
- Never before has someone convicted of embezzlement consistently received so much respect and love from their own workplace colleagues. 从来没有这样一个“贪污犯”受到自己工作单位同仁们执著的尊敬和爱戴。
- At the wedding party, the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together. 新娘和新郎表示要互敬互爱, 白头偕老。
- Though the Shiba Inu may be different from any other dog I have ever known, I agree to respect and love him or her. 尽管柴犬与其他我认知的狗狗不同;我愿意尊重和爱护他.
- The two sides have constantly enhanced multi-level political consultation and dialog on the basis of equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit. 多层次的政治磋商与对话不断加强,这种对话是平等的、相互尊重的和相得益彰的;
- It is obvious, as Paul writes to his old friend Philemon, that he had a great deal of respect and love for the man. 显然,正如保罗写给他老友腓利门的信所说,他非常敬重,也很喜爱这个人。