- infinite dimensional linear space 无限维线性空间
- As for the undivided linear sample space, the kernel function is needed to map onto another high dimension linear space. 对于线性不可分的样本空间,需要寻找核函数,将线性不可分的样本集映射到另一个高维线性空间。
- A linear equation in n variables represents a "hyperplane" in an n dimensional space. 应用数学与计算方法的相关知识在计算科学中佔有绝对的重要性。
- The difference between finite dimensional linear space and infinite dimensional linear space 线性空间中有限维与无限维之差异
- finite dimensional linear space 有限维线性空间
- Basic interpolations are gotten by use of the planar circle interpolation and then transformed into space ellipse interpolations with three dimensional linear transformation. 以圆弧插补算法为基础获得基本插补量,而后以三维空间线性变换将基本插补量变换成为空间椭圆的插补量。
- Every basis of a linear space contains the same number of vectors. 一线性空间的每一基底包含同样数目的向量。
- Geometrically speaking,new positions are selected from an N dimensional hyper-plane. 几何上说,新的职位均选自一个n维超平面。
- The math behind Quaternions involves four dimensional linear algebra, which is very difficult to understand. 四元组的数学意义是一个较难理解的四维线性代数。
- The above formulae may be applied to the study of the inversion of hypersur-faces in the Euclidean space of N dimensions. 应用上述公式讨论n维欧氏空间的反图法。
- In this paper, we discussed to Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) method for higher-order finite element equations in two dimensional linear elasticity. 本文主要对求解二维弹性力学问题高次有限元方程的代数多重网格(AMG)方法进行了讨论与探讨。
- Curtain Ruth F, Pritchard A J. Infinite Dimensional Linear Systems Theory. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg1978 Printed in Germany. 夏道行,吴卓人,严绍宗,舒五昌.实变函数论与泛函分析(下册).北京:人民教育出版社,1980
- Let Nn+p(c)be an n+p dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature c and Mn an n dimensional compact submanifold of Nn+p(c). It is known that there is a Simons'inequality when Mn is minimal. 设Mn是等距浸入在常曲率黎曼流形Nn+p(c)中的n维紧致子流形;若Mn是极小的;有著名的Simons不等式.
- Presents the improved admissible algorithm LFAO* (FAO* with linear Space) of fuzzy heuristic search algorithm FAO*. 本文提出了模糊广义与或图FAOG的线性存贮空间的模糊启发式搜索算法LFAO~*(FAO~* with Linear Space)。 算法LFAO~*是算法FAO~*的改进算法,它不仅具有可采纳性,而且存贮空间是线性的。
- In this paper,some properties of translation and application for ball in normed linear space are given. 给出了线性赋范空间中球的几个平移性质及其应用。
- The concept of linear manifold has an important meaning for understanding the linear space and system of linear. 摘要线性流行的概念对理解线性空间以及线性方程组的解的结构具有重要意义。
- As for the research on linear space, good conclusions are attained in the General High Algebra Course. 摘要关于线性子空间的研究,普通的高等代数教材已有许多的结论。
- n dimensional spherical coordinates n维球坐标
- An integer N-dimensionality linear space is employed to express possible states of virtual enterprises. 采用非连续、离散型N维线性空间的状态分布表示虚拟企业体系任意的可能状态。
- n dimensional rectangular parallelepiped n维长方体