- Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature. 她那好交际的作风,实际上是她腼腆天性的伪装。
- He quitted the mask for an agreeable grimace. 他不再做出那种自鸣得意的怪模怪样的假象。
- Slit holes in the mask for your eyes. 在面具上撕开两个孔,你的眼睛可以往外看。
- He patched together a mask for the fancy party. 他为参加化装舞会匆匆制作了一个假面具。
- The manufacturer of EN19 does not warranty for nose pickers. EN19的制造商不能为打鼻眼者担保安全。
- I'm thinking of a new mask for tonight's costume dance. 在今晚的化装舞会上我想换个新面具。
- Members of the public may wear a face mask for self protection. 一般市民也可以佩戴口罩以加强防护。
- Dual-function, nose clip for use with nebulizers or for nose bleed stoppage. 用于配合雾化吸入时阻断鼻腔通气,或用于鼻腔出血的压迫止血。
- She dressed up with a mask for the fancy dress ball. 为了参加化装舞会,她戴上了面具。
- Or as an intensive mask for deep cleansing and extra oil control. 或作为密集遮罩深层清洁和额外的石油控制。
- Enter filename or use mask for files you want to add to the list of exclusions. 输入文件名或者你也可以使用文件通配符来将他们添加到排除列表中。
- So, you're selling designer SARS masks for dogs? 你在卖专给狗戴的防SARS的口罩?
- Comfort Masks for non-toxic nuisance dusts. 防无毒灰尘舒适口罩。
- Dogs naturally have the ability for nosing out strange situations. 狗天生具有嗅出奇怪情况的能力。
- "You don't get much better than that," said Alexander's son-in-law, Bill, as he saw the mask for the first time. "这已经是好得不能再好了,"alexander的女婿Bill第一次看到这面具时这样说道。
- The subnet mask for the specified IP address cannot be automatically detected. You must identify it manually. 无法自动检测到指定IP地址的子网掩码。您必须手动识别它。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- The system displays the edit mask for the functional location number as well as its hierarchy levels. 系统显示功能位置号的编辑掩码及其层次级别。
- Refinishing process of coatings for nose of sartorius is introduced. Improvement methods are proposed aiming at solving problems occurred in pretreatments before finishing. 介绍针车机头涂层翻新工艺,针对涂装前处理中存在的质量问题,提出改进措施。