- Near one end of the lawn were twelve old-fashioned knights playing at ninepins. 靠近草坪的一端,有十二个古代装束的武士在玩九柱戏。
- Japan is in recession; Europe is in ore near one. 日本正处于衰退;欧洲也是或者接近于衰退。
- Q: Where do the erased SMS's end up? 哪里抹去短信的结束了?
- Our brains work on currents near one nanoampere. 我们的智力活动只需要大约一个毫微安的电流。
- Do not ravel out the rope 's end. 别把绳索的一头拆散。
- Mrs. Howells was at her wit’s end. 豪威尔夫人已黔驴技穷。
- It is not in the middle of the galaxy, but rather near one edge. 太阳不在银河系中央而在边缘一带。
- It is not in the middle of the galaxy,but rather near one edge. 太阳不在银河系中央而在边缘一带。
- But suddenly she saw movement near one of the burrow mouths. 忽然,她看到洞穴出口有点动静。
- HOWARD'S END One of the best stories in the league has been the good health on the Houston Rockets. Well, at least, for one player, Juwan Howard. 火箭有一个球员之健康联盟传为佳话。霍华德也。
- Why is a distant hill less distinct than a near one? 为什么远的山丘比近的山丘较朦胧?
- I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars. 我跪在大柱子旁边的一块大石板上。
- A essentially half of a strech one’s end concentrates upon a scrutiny of a offense by a military, a assist half follows a charge of a offense inside court. 剧情总结: strech一.;的末端在双重分明价值点跟随罪行, ususally在电压标题忍耐的混和,忍耐了。
- Having the centromere located near one end of the chromosome so that one chromosomal arm is long and the other is short. 近端着丝的着丝粒位于接近染色体一端的,因此染色体一臂长而另一臂短
- Looking at the Atlantic Ocean from Land\'s End is a really dramatic aquascape. 从英国的海角眺望,大西洋真的是个美妙绝伦的水景。
- The smoothness of that shaft 's end face reaches the required criteria. 某轴体的端面其平坦度符合应达到的标准.
- Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins usually don't live near one another. 祖父母、叔舅、姑姨、堂表兄妹等一般不住在一起。
- The nearest one is the City Restaurant. 离这最近的饭馆是大都市饭馆。
- I picked the curves near one end (the loft curve directions are determined by the point you use to pick the curves) and started picking from the bottom curve. 我挑选曲线的最近的一个端点(放样曲线的方向取决于你挑选的曲线的点),开始挑选底部的曲线。
- The nearest one is in Guangzhou. Shall I give you the address? 距离最近的地方是在广州,要不要我给你那里的地址。