- We should adopt an open attitude towards the new concept of object stands still, but we should also deal with science in the introduction and application of new ideas, against dogmatism, unrealistic. 我们要以开放的心态对待新概念,反对固步自封,但同时也应该科学的处理新理念的引进和应用的问题,反对教条主义,不切实际。
- A new idea popped into my mind like a flash. 我脑子里突然闪现出一个新的想法。
- So,Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways,new concepts,new thoughts,new ideas,the changing of the culture. 所以,“21世纪陆军”的研究确实是一个发现新方式、新概念、新思想、新观点的心理活动过程,旨在改变文化。
- She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的新主意。
- A new idea started up in his mind. 他忽然有了一个新主意。
- If I can not accept new ideas new concepts or new imaginations I know I have a problem with the earth element. 如果我不愿意接受新的点子新的概念新的想像我知道我的土气不顺了.
- I'm sure that new idea will pay dividends some day. 我相信那个新观念总有一天会显出它的好处的。
- So, Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways, new concepts, new thoughts, new ideas, the changing of the culture. 所以,“21世纪陆军”的研究确实是一个发现新方式、新概念、新思想、新观点的心理活动过程,旨在改变文化。
- China's culture of conspicuous consumption and its big luxury market make the country an ideal place to ‘generate new ideas and new concepts' Mr. Boulay said. 布雷说,中国的炫耀性消费文化和庞大的豪华汽车市场是这里成为产生新想法和新概念的理想之地。
- It is advisable to take an open- minded approach to new idea. 对新思想采取不存先入之见的态度是明智的。
- He felt out a new idea by submitting it to the workers of the factory. 他把新办法提交厂里的工人试用以检验其是否可行。
- It is not wise to memorize New Concept. 背新概念有用吗答;
- They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head. 他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。
- The New Concept of the Economic Globalization. 经济全球化潮流中的新含义。
- Welcome to New Concept Driving School! 新大陆驾驶学校!
- He beamed his approval of the new idea. 他微笑表示赞同这个新主意
- Old people are not acceptive of new ideas. 老年人不容易接受新的观念。
- All this adds up to a new concept of the universe. 所有这些形成了对宇宙的一个新概念。
- She came back bubbling over with new ideas. 她带着满脑子的新想法回来了。
- The green chemical is a new concept. 绿色化学是一种理念。