- Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. 柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。
- New Digital Technology Media Co., Ltd. 安达斯数字媒体科技有限公司。
- How do you like your new digital camera? 你喜欢你的新数码相机吗?
- A I want to buy a new digital camera. 我想买一台数码相机。
- Critics say the new digital technology is very costly. 批评人士认为数字电影代价昂贵。
- Believe it or not, this new digital camera has a wide angle lens. 不管你信不信;这新的数位相机有广角镜头.
- CDMA system is a new digital mobile cellular communications system. 码分多址(CDMA)系统是一种全新的数字蜂窝移动通信系统。
- Recreating the Operability of Canon's Best Analog SLRs in a New Digital Model. 在新的数码相机上重新构建佳能最优秀的单反相机的操作性能。
- Continue to conduct tests on new digital audio broadcasting technology. 继续就新的数码声频广播技术进行测试。
- With IT developing rapidly, new digital products come out one after another. IT领域发展迅速,数码产品不断抢风。
- A user's'digital history'significantly influences their purchasing decisions. Consider your mobile service in the context of similar digital experiences - does it work with them or against them? 用户的数码产品使用的历史对他们购买决策有极其重要的影响。所以要考虑你的产品交互方式是否能兼容他们习惯的。
- OneGoo and its Digital Experience Mall is coming up soon with highlight! 玩购网携玩购网数码体验商城即将闪亮登场!
- Yet just as this old analogue technology was being retired, its new digital counterpart was making its debut. 但是就在这种老的模拟技术淡出舞台的时候,其数字时代的后起之秀正崭露头角。
- New digital networks are available to the design engineers on, practically, a daily basis. 设计人员实际每天都会遇到新的数字网络。
- Innovative products in new digital home. Ease of use and portability are the key issues. 新数码世界中的创新性产品。使用舒适与便携性是重点。
- Now it's easy to organize and manage all your multimedia files, as well as createand edit new digital content. 现在您可以比以往更轻松地创建、编辑和管理您的数字多媒体文件。
- A veteran Leica street shooter contacted me with complaints about her new digital camera. 一位经验丰富的莱卡街头摄影师向我抱怨她新买的数码相机。
- This paper presents a new digital memory plan on transient data, in which a charge coupled device(CCD) is used. 本文提出了采用电荷耦合器件(CCD)对瞬态信号进行数字存贮的新方案。
- Specify RED or GREEN when ordering and include your current odometer mileage for setting of the new digital odometer. 指定红色或绿色,订货时,包括您当前的里程表里程制定的新的数字里程表。
- The method of management in the past time of industry economic is doomed to be substituted by new digital integration. 以往工业经济时代科学的管理模式必然会逐渐被新型的数字化集成管理所代替。