- Content : minimum 0.020 per cent of hupehenine (C 27 H 45 NO 2 ). 本品含湖贝甲素(C 27 H 45 NO 2 )不得少于0.;020%25。
- Beethoven, Ludwig van : Symphony no 2 in D major, Op. 贝多芬,路德维希凡:交响曲2D大,同前。
- This is Obarma Missis Obama said too behalves no 2 beehives will provide honey. 奥巴马夫人说两个蜂箱将提供蜂蜜。
- In how many ways can 5 of these books be selected if no 2 consecutive volumes are to be chosen? 在其中任选5册,没有两册相邻,有多少种选法?
- Maurizio Vescovo and Melinda Torokgyogy - Hungary, the Hungarian Latin Champions, ranked No 2 on the IDSF wolrd ranking list. 匈牙利选手,意大利和匈牙利的组合,IDSF拉丁舞世界排名第二,匈牙利拉丁舞冠军。
- Shall consist of no 2 unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded.Minimum 97% copper. 由以下部分组成,2个非合金的铜线废料结,破碎或者切片,至少97%25的铜含量。
- All wheel drive is a kind of a car which always use 4 wheel to drive, no 2 wheel dirve. 全驱系统是指只能用四轮驱动的汽车,不可以换成两轮驱动的形式。
- Welcome to our savings office. I am No 2 clerk. It's my pleasure to give you some advice for your reference. 欢迎您光临文汇储蓄所,我是2号储蓄员。很高兴能为您服务,给您提个建议,供您参考。
- Ferrer was outgunned, out-muscled, and even out-grunted, but he simply refused to let the world No 2 intimidate him. 但可惜的是阿根廷人并没有能够抓住机会,头号种子化解这次危机后终于进入了状态。
- The Berita STM June 2009 Vol 26 No 2 is out. Click here to download the June issue! 马来西亚神学院院讯(2009年六月,第26期,第2册)可在此下载。
- Content : minimum 0.10 per cent of nuciferine (C 19 H 21 NO 2 ), calculated with reference to the dried drug. 本品按干燥品计算,含荷叶碱(C 19 H 21 NO 2 )不得少于0.;10%25。
- A researcher had said two years ago that China would become the No 2 in the world's economic pecking order in 2018. 有研究人员两年前就曾表示,中国经济将于2018年之前在世界经济排名上超过日本。
- The detection included COD, NH + 4 N, NO 3 N, NO 2 N, DO, P, pH and heavy metals such as Pb, Cr, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe, Al and so on. 监测内容包括 :化学需氧量 (COD)、氨氮 (NH+ 4 N)、硝酸盐 (NO 3 N)、亚硝酸盐 (NO 2 N )、溶解氧 (DO)、磷 (P)、酸度和重金属 (Pb、Cr、Cd、Zn、Mn、Cu、Fe、Al)。
- Gly-Asp(OBzl) 2 dipeptide was synthesized by DCC method,then Boc-Arg(NO 2 )-Gly-Asp(OBzl) 2 was synthesized by the method of mixed anhydrides. 采用二环己基碳二亚胺法(DCC)合成了二肽Gly Asp(OBzl) 2 ,然后利用混合酸酐法得到全保护RGD三肽:Boc Arg(NO2 ) Gly Asp(OBzl) 2 三肽;
- There was obvious inadequacy of Na on winter, spring and summer pasture, but ex-cessive on autumn pasture at No 2 Altai farm. 含Na量在塔城种羊场一年四季草场均缺乏,在阿勒泰二牧场冬、春、夏草场Na出现明显缺乏,而在秋草场又明显超出需要量;
- Pam Northrup, A Framework for Designing Interactivity into Web-Based Instruction, Educational Technology, Vol. 37, No 2, 2001, pp. 31-39. 杨坤原,民89,教学主义与建构主义对电脑辅助教学设计的意含,视听教育,第42卷,第3期,页14-27。
- After modification, output of No 2 CC machine attains to design goal, and improvement of product quality is proved by analysis results. 宝钢2(上标%23)连铸机轻压下改造完成后,次月实现月达产,分析结果表明,产品质量显著提高。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Fan No 1 jokingly covers his eyes when he sees fan No 2's bare chest, but soon the two are hamming it up together in front of the camera. 看到2号粉丝赤裸着上身,1号粉丝开玩笑地遮住双眼。但不一会儿,这两人便在镜头前夸张地表演起来。
- Content : minimum 0.30% of ether-soluble alkaloids, calculated as arecoline (C 8 H 13 NO 2 ), with reference to the dried drug. 本品按干燥品计算,含醚溶性生物碱以槟榔碱(C 8 H 13 NO 2 )计,不得少于0.;30%25。