- An experiment of the flowfield in the warship flight deck area is carried out in the water tunnel for different flow velocities and navigation direction angles. 为了满足舰载直升机的需要,南航直升机技术研究所对某舰飞行甲板区域流场进行了水洞试验。
- Glenn noted the water that percolates out from normally irrigated soil, technically known as irrigation return flow, is often as salty as 10 percent seawater. 格伦指出,从灌溉的土壤中渗流出的水在学术上叫做灌溉回归水,这种水的含盐量通常是海水的百分之十。
- The experiments were carried out in the Large Oscillating Water Tunnel(LOWT)at Delft Hydraulics and in the Aberdeen Oscillatory Flow Tunnel(AOFT)at Aberdeen University,and cover a wide range of flow and sand conditions. 这些实验是在Delft水力研究所的大型振荡水槽中进行,还有一些是在阿伯丁振荡流隧道中进行,这一系列实验覆盖了各种水流与泥沙条件。
- It is actualy simulated that return to zero format(RZ) and non return to zero format(NRZ) transmission at 40 Gbit/s in the single channel. 对单信道 4 0 Gbit/s归零码 (RZ)和非归零码 (NRZ)传输系统进行了实际模似。
- Flowing water does not get stale. 流水不腐。
- A device for sealing a passage against the escape of gases, especially a U - shaped or S - shaped bend in a drainpipe that prevents the return flow of sewer gas by means of a water barrier. U字形或S字形隔臭管为防止气体漏逸而封堵一段通道的装置,尤指排水管中的U形管或S形弯管,它可以通过水的阻挡防止下水道气体倒流
- A device for sealing a passage against the escape of gases, especially a U-shaped or S-shaped bend in a drainpipe that prevents the return flow of sewer gas by means of a water barrier. U字形或S字形隔臭管为防止气体漏逸而封堵一段通道的装置,尤指排水管中的U形管或S形弯管,它可以通过水的阻挡防止下水道气体倒流
- O'er crystal stones flows water clear. 清泉石上流。
- Sound of flowing water chews your confessing. 深陷你眼神的依赖。
- The plants were to be kept under the flowing water. 植物留在流动的水下。
- The cavitation erosion, silt erosion and their synergism tests were performed with the aluminum and steel hydrofoil in the water tunnel separately. 本文选用铝和钢两种材料的翼型试件,在闭式循环水洞中分别进行了空蚀破坏、泥沙磨损以及空蚀磨损联合作用的实验研究。
- Aescin is being used in brain edema, open injuries, swelling after operations, venous return flow diseases. 七叶皂甙用于脑水肿,创伤或手术后引起的肿胀;与静脉回流障碍性疾病。
- The main contributions are as follows:1.A series of model experiment with developed super-cavitation are actualized in the water tunnel. 选题来源于国防重点基础项目研究;论文的主要工作和创新如下:1.;庄水洞中对空化器的超空泡生成与发展进行了系列模型实验。
- Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta. 冲积层河床、洪水淹没的平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉积层
- Objective:To explore the effect on cardiac light murmur and cardiac tricuspid valve return flow in normal children. 目的:探讨正常儿童心脏轻度杂音与瓣膜返流的相关性。
- A series of underwater vehicle model experiments for the supercavity shape property are carried out at high speed water tunnel with ventilation method. 摘要在高速水洞中运用人工通气方法进行了航行体模型超空泡形态特性的系列实验研究。
- Items on this invoice that are paid for and sent /delivered are not cancelable and non returnable. 此发票上的所支付和发出的货款是不可取消的,也是不可反还的。
- Scour is the removal of material of any size by flowing water. 冲刷是指流动中的水将任何粒径的土壤冲走的现象。
- Instead of closed boundary conditions which will bring large pressure effects because of return flow, a flow through boundary condition is adopted. 该模型的主要特点是采用开放边界条件,从而可以避免原有封闭模型因回流问题而产生的复杂效应。
- After single embryo trausfer for receptor doe,the rate of non returning to service was as high as 62.76% and the actural lambing ratio was 51.46%. 对受体羊单胚移植后;两个情期的不返情率达62.;76%25;实际产羔率为51