- The article is devoid of substantial matter. 这篇文章缺乏实质性的内容。
- They want to see substantial changes. 他们想看到实质性的变化。
- The architecture of this house is very substantial. 这座房子的结构很牢固。
- We are in substantial agreement. 我们实际上意见一致。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- I care more about the spiritual life than the substantial life. 和物质生活相比,我更注重精神生活。
- The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification. 意向书正在实质性内容方面进行修改。
- Non bis in idem principle has a long history and substantial content. 该原则也得到一些国际公约的认可,从而成为刑事诉讼国际准则之一。
- The company balanced sheet for 1993 show a substantial loss. 该公司1993年资产负债表表明该公司亏损严重。
- I had had a few beers and was completely non compos mentis. 我喝了些啤酒就头昏脑胀了。
- People and things are substantial; dreams and ghosts are not. 人和事物是真实的; 梦和鬼魂是虚幻的。
- The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years. 这房子很坚固,一百年也不会坏。
- The stories told by the two boys are in substantial agreement. 那两个男孩讲的情况基本一致。
- By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise. 她精心策画後,谈妥了大幅增加工资的事。
- He introduced us to a number of substantial farmers. 他把我们介绍给几个殷实的农场主。
- He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- We decided to declare them personae non grata. 我们决定宣布他们为不受欢迎的人。