- You need not mince words in your speech. 你不必咬文嚼字。
- He does not mince matters [his words]. 他很直爽。
- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言为心声。
- not mince one's words 直言不讳地说; 坦率地说
- The promise of GOD's word, not our feeling, is our authority. 我们信仰的根据,是圣经可靠的应许,不是我们容易改变的感觉。
- McWhorter does not mince words in ascribing the problem to a historically determined defect of American black culture. 弥沃特并没有委婉地将问题归咎于:历史决定了美国黑人文化的缺陷。
- Mary' s words have the stamp of truth. 玛丽的话具有真实性。
- Bass’s words had a soothing effect. 贝斯的话有安慰的作用。
- Don't take an ISP's word on its performance. 不要轻信isp有关性能的话。
- KEEP ONE'S WORDS is demand for the community to the CO., CREDIT STANDING is the life line of the CO. 守信是社会对商家的需要,信誉是商家发展的命脉。
- Isabel I am in mourning and have slept badly, so I will not mince words. What do you want? 伊莎贝尔我在服丧,且睡眠不好,所以请恕我直言,你有何贵干?
- That I saw one friend’s words in his blog yesterday reminds me there is something called “freewriting”. 渐渐地感觉到自己个方面的能力都在慢慢的退化,没有什么想法,没有任何目的,生活进入了一个“瓶颈”阶段。
- Mr Gradgrind was quite unprepared for his daughter’s words. 格雷因对女儿的这番话是完全没有思想准备的。
- When Moses went and told the people all the Lord 's words and laws, they responded with one voice, "Everything the Lord has said we will do. 摩西下山,将耶和华的命令典章都述说与百姓听。众百姓齐声说:“耶和华所吩咐的,我们都必遵行。
- In a word she is the “specimen”(p 270), in Ralph’s words. 总之,她是“标本” (第270 ) ,在拉尔夫的话。
- Ewan's not one to mince words, after all. 毕竟,伊万说话从不拐弯抹角。
- Writer Catherine Lim, who does not mince words, said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity. 敢怒敢言的英文作家林宝音不久前在政策研究院主办的论坛上说,挖苦政治人物的漫画,是一个社会政治成熟的象征。
- If Elfarran be not my own, I will unsay Segoy\'s word, I will unmake the islands, the white waves will whelm all. 叶芙阮若非我所有,我将毁言兮果乙之字,我将毁灭岛屿,由白浪淹没万世。
- Writer Catherine Lim,who does not mince words,said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity. 敢怒敢言的英文作家林宝音不久前在政策研究院主办的论坛上说,挖苦政治人物的漫画,是一个社会政治成熟的象征。
- She did not mince her words, telling China to stamp out fakes and warning it that the world would be watching its human rights record as the Olympics approached. 她毫不讳言的告诉中国要杜绝假货,并警告说随着奥运会的临近,世界将关注中国的人权问题。