- Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. 万幸的是海伦并不是个轻易认输的人。
- She's not someone who likes to wallow in self-pity. 她不是那种喜欢自怜的人。
- I need a miracle and not someone's charity now.... 我只需要一点奇迹;但现在却没有人能够施舍......
- This was not someone to be trifled with. 这不是将虚度的某人与。
- I know that s scene like this can easily disarrange your thoughts, no matter how brave you are. 我明白,无论你多么勇敢,眼前这一幕也会很轻易搅乱你的思想。
- Agloco I am not someone who jumps at any old money scheme online. 我不是有人跳在任何旧钱计划订购。
- I know that s scene like this can easily disarrange your thoughts, no matter how brave you are. 我明白,无论你多么勇敢,眼前这一幕也会很容易搅乱你的思想。
- Politicians have to learn to play down to the voters, so that they seem to be ordinary people and not someone too clever and untrustworthy. 搞政治的人得学会对选民态度随和,看起来像普通百姓,而非过分滑头,不可信赖。
- You want someone to appreciate you for who you are,not someone who you pretend to be. 毕竟,你希望别人欣赏的是真实的你而不是伪装的你。
- Luckily, Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses. 幸而海伦并不是个轻易屈服的人,不久她就开始运用其他感官来探测这个世界了。
- Sara Sandoval: I might not know who I am but I know who I'm not, I'm not someone who lets her country down. 我可能不知道我是什么人,但我知道我不是什么人,我不是那种抛开自己的国家的人。
- At this point, it is irrelevant whether or not someone can retrieve the document because the data itself is destroyed. 至此,是否有人可以重获文档已经变得不重要了,因为数据本身已经被摧毁。
- Usually, a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement. 通常,提升个人品质不是现实主义者最为注重的。
- Co-star Robert DeNiro ended up directing Brando"s scenes, with Oz sending in suggestions from another room. 但是,他的销赃人、朋友、经济上的合伙人马克斯却是另有打算。
- Sara Sandoval: I might not know who I am but I know who I‘m not, I‘m not someone who lets her country down. 我可能不知道我是什么人,但我知道我不是什么人,我不是那种抛开自己的国家的人。
- I'm not going to the disco: it's just not my scene. 我不想去跳迪斯科舞,我完全不感兴趣。
- Small deceits lead to big ones so any employee who fiddles is not someone one would want to employ. 小偷小摸会升级为更严重的欺诈行为,因此没有人愿意雇用骗过钱的人。
- Sir Christopher sees this painting, together with Fuseli\'s scenes from Milton and Shakespeare, as part of a search for national myths in the late 18th century. 克里斯托弗爵士认为,富塞利的这幅画以及取材于密尔顿和莎士比亚作品的那些画作,乃是探寻18世纪民族神话的一部分。
- I don't like high society, I'm not someone who likes to go to parties and socialise, I'm shy. 我不喜欢上流精英,我不是一个喜欢参加爬梯和社交晚会的人,俺害羞着呢。